All Entries Tagged With: "University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire"

Northern Michigan University Appoints Anne Dahlman Provost
Anne Dahlman, interim associate provost and interim dean of global education at Minnesota State University Mankato, has been appointed provost and vice president of academic affairs at Northern Michigan University effective April 1, 2024.

Eight Women Who Will Be Taking on New Administrative Duties in Higher Education
Here is this week’s roundup of women who have been appointed to new administrative positions at colleges and universities throughout the United States. If you have news for our appointments section, please email the information to

New Assignments for Seven Women Faculty Members at Colleges and Universities
Here is this week’s listing of women faculty members from colleges and universities throughout the United States who have been appointed to new positions or have been assigned new duties.

Report Finds Gender Differences in Victimization and Perpetration of Cyberbullying
Nearly 37 percent of adolescent girls reported they had been cyberbullied compared to 30.5 percent of adolescent boys. Boys were more likely than girls to have cyberbullied others. The moat common form of cyberbullying among girls is the spreading of false rumors online.

Beth Hellwig Honored for Her Commitment to the Advancement of Women in Higher Education
The University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire administrator will receive the Dr. Zenobia Hikes Award from NASPA, an organization of student affairs administrators in higher education.