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Dusa McDuff Receives Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Mathematical Society

Dusa McDuff Receives Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Mathematical Society

The American Mathematical Association has recognized Barnard College’s Dusa McDuff for her lifelong contributions to the field of symplectic geometry and topology and her mentorship of other women in mathematics.

Priyamvada Natarajan Honored for Career Contributions to Black Hole and Dark Matter Research

Priyamvada Natarajan Honored for Career Contributions to Black Hole and Dark Matter Research

Dr. Natarajan, professor of astronomy and physics at Yale University, is known for her extensive research on the formation of black holes and the use of gravitational lensing to map dark matter.

Sylvia Houghteling Honored With Two Awards For Her Book <em>The Art of Cloth in Mughal India</em>

Sylvia Houghteling Honored With Two Awards For Her Book The Art of Cloth in Mughal India

The Textile Society of America and the College Art Association have both presented Sylvia Houghteling with an award for her book, “The Art of Cloth in Mughal India”

Study Finds Women Are Much Less Likely to Ask Questions in Academic Seminars Than Men

Study Finds Women Are Much Less Likely to Ask Questions in Academic Seminars Than Men

According to a study conducted by resarchers at the University of Cambridge in England, women tended to rate factors such as not feeling clever enough, being nervous, worrying that they misunderstood the content, and being intimidated by the speaker as factors in deciding not to raise a question.

Proceeds of New Musical Release to Benefit Women in Science

Proceeds of New Musical Release to Benefit Women in Science

The band Violet Transmissions has released a new version of Thomas Dolby’s 1982 hit song, “She Blinded Me With Science.” All of the proceeds from the sale of the song will benefit ScienceGrrl.