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Andrea Goldsmith Appointed President of Stony Brook University

Andrea Goldsmith Appointed President of Stony Brook University

An electrical engineer, inventor, and author, Dr. Goldsmith currently serves as dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Science at Princeton. She will begin her presidency at Stony Brook University in August.

Six Women Selected for Dean Appointments at Universities

Six Women Selected for Dean Appointments at Universities

The new deans are Holly Mercer at the University of Maryland, Holly Lisanby at Arizona State University, Rene Love at Old Dominion University in Virginia, Kelley Bolden Bailey at Florida A&M University, Ayanna Thomas at Tufts University in Massachusetts, and Susan Stone at the University of California, Berkeley.

Elizabeth Cantwell Named First Woman President of Washington State University

Elizabeth Cantwell Named First Woman President of Washington State University

Dr. Cantwell currently serves as president of Utah State University. Her background includes extensive leadership experience overseeing research initiatives in academia and U.S. national security.

MIT's Sally Haslanger Honored for Lifelong Contributions to Philosophy

MIT’s Sally Haslanger Honored for Lifelong Contributions to Philosophy

An interdisciplinary scholar, Dr. Haslanger’s research spans the fields of women’s and gender studies, critical race theory, epistemology, metaphysics, and philosophy.

University of Chicago Professor Young-Kee Kim Tapped to Lead the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

University of Chicago Professor Young-Kee Kim Tapped to Lead the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

Following the resignation of Lia Merminga, Dr. Young-Kee Kim of the University of Chicago has been selected to serve as interim director of Fermilab, a federal research center for high-energy particle physics.

University of Louisville Honors Julia Belser for Book on Disability Studies and Religion

University of Louisville Honors Julia Belser for Book on Disability Studies and Religion

Julia Watts Belser currently teaches at Georgetown University as a professor of Jewish studies and conducts research with the university’s Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs.

Kirsten Schultz Receives Award for Book on Eighteenth-Century Brazilian History

Kirsten Schultz Receives Award for Book on Eighteenth-Century Brazilian History

Kirsten Schultz was honored for her book, From Conquest to Colony: Empire, Wealth, and Difference in Eighteenth-Century Brazil. She currently teaches as a professor of history at Seton Hall University in New Jersey.

Victoria Chang Wins The Forward Prize for Best Poetry Collection

Victoria Chang Wins The Forward Prize for Best Poetry Collection

Professor Chang is the first Asian American and first woman to hold the Bourne Chair of Poetry at the Georgia Institute of Technology. She was honored by The Forward Foundation for her new poetry collection, With My Back to the World

Jody Lewen Honored for Lifetime Achievement in Higher Education

Jody Lewen Honored for Lifetime Achievement in Higher Education

Dr. Lewen has received the 2024 Harold W. McGraw, Jr. Prize in Education. She is the founder and president of Mount Tamalpais College, a higher education institution which offer courses at San Quentin State Prison in California.

Jill McCluskey Selected to Lead the International Association of Agricultural Economists

Jill McCluskey Selected to Lead the International Association of Agricultural Economists

Dr. McCluskey currently serves as the first woman director of the School of Economics at Washington State University. She will serve as the second-ever woman president of the International Association of Agricultural Economists when she assumes her new role in 2027.

Three Women Named Laureates of the Blavatnik National Awards for Young Scientists

Three Women Named Laureates of the Blavatnik National Awards for Young Scientists

This year’s Blavatnik National Award for Young Scientists laureates are Cigal Kadoch of Harvard Medical School, Markita del Carpio Landry of the University of California, Berkeley, and Britney Schmidt of Cornell University.

Katherine de Kleer Honored for Outstanding Early-Career Research in Planetary Sciences

Katherine de Kleer Honored for Outstanding Early-Career Research in Planetary Sciences

Katherine de Kleer’s research has contributed to the broader understanding of the atmospheric composition and environmental properties of Uranus, Neptune, Jupiter, Io, Europa, Callisto, and Ganymede. 

Ten Women Professors Appointed to New Academic Positions

Ten Women Professors Appointed to New Academic Positions

Here is this week’s roundup of women who have been appointed to new academic positions at colleges and universities throughout the United States. If you have news for our appointments section, please email the information to

New Faculty Positions for Ten Women Scholars

New Faculty Positions for Ten Women Scholars

Here is this week’s roundup of women who have been appointed to new faculty positions at colleges and universities throughout the United States. If you have news for our appointments section, please email the information to

Eleven Women Scholars Appointed to New Faculty Roles

Eleven Women Scholars Appointed to New Faculty Roles

Here is this week’s roundup of women who have been appointed to new faculty positions at colleges and universities throughout the United States. If you have news for our appointments section, please email the information to

The American Chemical Society Presents Its Highest Honor to Frances Arnold

The American Chemical Society Presents Its Highest Honor to Frances Arnold

Dr. Arnold was honored for developing a bioengineering method known as directed evolution. She first developed the method in the 1990s. Today, it is used by laboratories across the globe to make effective and sustainable chemical and biological products.

Eight Women Selected for Dean Positions at Colleges and Universities

Eight Women Selected for Dean Positions at Colleges and Universities

Here is this week’s roundup of women who have been appointed to new dean positions at colleges and universities throughout the United States. If you have news for our appointments section, please email the information to

Three Women Honored With 2024 Kavli Prizes in Astrophysics and Neuroscience

Three Women Honored With 2024 Kavli Prizes in Astrophysics and Neuroscience

The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters awarded Sara Seager with a Kavil Prize in Astrophysics. Nancy Kanwisher and Doris Ying Tao were awarded Kavil Prizes in Neuroscience.

Trinity College President Joanne Berger-Sweeney Announces Retirement

Trinity College President Joanne Berger-Sweeney Announces Retirement

In 2014, Dr. Berger-Sweeney became the first African American and first woman president of Trinity College since its founding in 1823. Over the past decade, the college has experienced growth in enrollment and graduation rates, hired more diverse faculty, and improved campus infrastructure.

American Economic Association Names Bronwyn Hall a 2024 Distinguished Fellow

American Economic Association Names Bronwyn Hall a 2024 Distinguished Fellow

Dr. Hall is a professor emerita of economics at the University of California, Berkeley, where she taught for nearly four-decades. She has conducted extensive research on patents, patent citations, the relationship between research and development and productivity, and the econometrics of firm-level microdata

Kat Gutierrez Honored for Contributions to Community Engagement in Pajaro Valley, California

Kat Gutierrez Honored for Contributions to Community Engagement in Pajaro Valley, California

Dr. Gutierrez, an assistant professor of history at the University of of California, Santa Cruz, was honored for her contributions to the community-based project, Watsonville is in the Heart, which focuses on the history of Filipino migration and labor in the Pajaro Valley region.

CDC Foundation Honors Ninez Ponce for Data Equity and Racial Health Disparities Research

CDC Foundation Honors Ninez Ponce for Data Equity and Racial Health Disparities Research

Ninez Ponce was recognized for her scholarship and advocacy for data equity which has contributed to the understanding of racial and ethnic health disparities, particularly for Asian, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander communities.

Study Finds Women Lawyers More Reluctant Than Male Peers to Use Artificial Intelligence Tools

Study Finds Women Lawyers More Reluctant Than Male Peers to Use Artificial Intelligence Tools

A research team from the University of California Berkeley has found that although women lawyers have a greater initial reluctance to AI tools than male lawyers, once they are introduced to AI programs, both genders report an increase in productivity.

Susan Solomon Honored with 2023 VinFuture Award for Female Innovators for Contributions to Climate Change Research

Susan Solomon Honored with 2023 VinFuture Award for Female Innovators for Contributions to Climate Change Research

The Lee and Geraldine Martin Professor of Environmental Studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Susan Solomon, was honored for her contributions to understanding the chemical properties of the ozone layer which have influenced international climate change policies.

Teresa Gould Named First Woman Commissioner of the Pac-12 Athletic Conference

Teresa Gould Named First Woman Commissioner of the Pac-12 Athletic Conference

Gould succeeds former Pac-12 commissioner George Kliavkoff, whose leadership was unable to prevent ten schools from leaving the conference over the past two years. Gould’s appointment makes her not only the first woman commissioner of the Pac-12 conference, but the first woman commissioner of any Autonomy Five athletic conference.

Study Finds Gender Bias is More Prevalent in Online Images Than Online Text

Study Finds Gender Bias is More Prevalent in Online Images Than Online Text

“This isn’t only about the frequency of gender bias online,” says Douglas Guilbeault, professor at the University of California Berkeley. “Part of the story here is that there’s something very sticky, very potent about images’ representation of people that text just doesn’t have.”

Bernadine Marie Hernandez Receives Three Literary Awards for New Book

Bernadine Marie Hernandez Receives Three Literary Awards for New Book

Border Bodies: Racialized Sexuality, Sexual Capital, and Violence in the Nineteenth-Century Borderlands has earned author Bernadine Marie Hernández two Book of the Year awards and an honorable mention from three national literary associations.

Kimberly White-Smith Honored for Outstanding Contributions to Teacher Education

Kimberly White-Smith Honored for Outstanding Contributions to Teacher Education

“Through her leadership and scholarship, Dr. White-Smith inspires a new generation of teachers to serve students and approach their work with equity, compassion, and respect,” said Gail F. Baker, provost and senior vice president at the University of San Diego. 

Eight Women Appointed to New Administrative Positions

Eight Women Appointed to New Administrative Positions

Appointments include Rebecca Robinson at Oregon State University, Lydia Sermons at Howard University, Holly Jensen at Harvard University, Kameron Causey at Albany State University, Lynanne Jamison at Virginia Commonwealth University, Jamie Lucero at Virginia Tech, Suzanne Wones at the University of California, and Amy Jackson at the University of New Mexico

Maya Rossin-Slater Awadred the Elaine Bennett Research Prize from the American Economic Association

Maya Rossin-Slater Awadred the Elaine Bennett Research Prize from the American Economic Association

Maya Rossin-Slater is a senior fellow at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research and an associate professor of health policy at Stanford University. The prize recognizes Dr. Rossin-Slater’s research examining the impacts of public policies and other factors on families and children.

American Society for Engineering Education Honors Lafayette College's Jenn Stroud Rossman

American Society for Engineering Education Honors Lafayette College’s Jenn Stroud Rossman

Dr. Rossmann, the Baird Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Lafayette College in Easton, Pennsylvania, was recently presented with the 2023 Sterling Olmsted Award. The award recognizes those who have made distinguished contributions to the development and teaching of liberal arts in engineering education.

Study Finds Women Ask for Raises and Promotions At Similar or Higher Rates Than Men

Study Finds Women Ask for Raises and Promotions At Similar or Higher Rates Than Men

A new study by women scholars at the University of California, Berkeley and Vanderbilt University in Nashville debunks the gender pay gap myth that “women don’t ask for raises.” The study found that women attempt salary negotiations as much or more than men do, but are more likely to be rejected.

The American Chemical Society Recognizes the Work of the University of Pennsylvania's Marisa Kozlowski

The American Chemical Society Recognizes the Work of the University of Pennsylvania’s Marisa Kozlowski

Dr. Kozlowski joined the faculty at the University of Pennsylvania in 1998. The major focus of Dr. Kozlowski’s research is the development of new catalytic methods for efficient organic synthesis using computation and high throughput screening. She has authored over 170 independent publications.

Cognitive Science Society Recognizes the Work of Berkeley's Alison Gopnik

Cognitive Science Society Recognizes the Work of Berkeley’s Alison Gopnik

Alsion Gopnik, a professor of psychology at the University of California Berkeley, has researched how children learn to understand their own minds and how, given limited evidence, they nevertheless make sense of the world around them. Lately, Dr. Gopnik has increasingly focused on artificial intelligence, which has its roots in cognitive science.

Carol Christ, Chancellor of the University of California, Berkeley, to Retire in 2024

Carol Christ, Chancellor of the University of California, Berkeley, to Retire in 2024

Dr. Christ began her term as the 11th chancellor of the University of California, Berkeley on July 1, 2017, after serving as provost. From 2002 to 2013, Dr. Christ was president of Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts.