All Entries Tagged With: "Stanford University"
Julie Cassidy of Williams College to Lead the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies
Julie Cassidy, a professor of Russian at Williams College in Williamstown, Massachusetts,will serve as vice president of the association in 2017 and then become president in 2018. The Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies is housed at the University of Pittsburgh.
University of California, San Diego Professor Wins Major Award in Operations Research
Ruth Williams, who holds the Charles Lee Powell Endowed Chair in Mathematics at the University of California, San Diego, has been selected as a winner of the John von Neumann Theory Prize, presented by the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences.
Five Women in New Administrative Posts in Higher Education
The appointees are Lisa Lapin at Stanford University, Laura E. Martin-Fedich at the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma, Washington, Gisele Litalien at the University of Massachusetts, Krystyna Varnado at the University of Southern Mississippi, and Heather Mechler at the University of New Mexico.
Persis Drell Will Be the Next Provost at Stanford University
Dr. Drell has been serving a dean of the School of Engineering at Stanford since 2014. Earlier, she was the director of the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory in Menlo Park, California. She will begin her new duties as provost on February 1.
In Memoriam: Ingeborg H. Solbrig, 1923-2016
Professor Solbrig was a native of Weissenfels, Germany. After obtaining a Ph.D. at Stanford, she taught at the University of Rhode Island, the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, and the University of Kentucky before joining the faculty at the University of Iowa in 1975.
Study Examines Wide Gender Disparities in Degree Attainments in STEM Fields
While women earn a solid majority of all degrees in higher education, they receive only about 37 percent of all degrees awarded in STEM fields. And even within STEM disciplines there are wide gender disparities.
Legal Scholar Michelle Alexander Selected to Receive a $250,000 Heinz Award
Michelle Alexander is a visiting professor at the Union Theological Seminary and a senior fellow at the Ford Foundation. Earlier, she taught at Ohio State University and Stanford Law School. Professor alexander is being honored for her research on racial disparities in incarceration rates.
New Administrative Duties for Eight Women at Colleges and Universities
Here is this week’s roundup of women who have been appointed to new administrative positions at colleges and universities throughout the United States.
In Memoriam: Joyce Carol Thomas, 1938-2016
Joyce Carol Thomas, the author of more than 30 children’s books and a former college professor, won the National Book Award and the American Book Award in 1983. She taught at several higher educational institutions including Purdue University and the University of Tennessee.
Kay M. Tye Awarded the Freedman Prize From the Brain and Behavior Research Foundation
Kay M. Tye, the Whitehead Career Development Assistant Professor of Brain and Cognitive Sciences at MIT, conducts research on brain pathways that are involved in anxiety disorders so that drug therapies can be more precise and avoid unwanted side effects.
Seven Women Scholars Honored With Notable Awards
The honorees are Michele Cloonan of Simmons College, Karen C. Davis of the University of Cincinnati, Carol Pilgrim of the University of North Carolina Wilmington, Anca Sala of Baker College in Michigan, Lisa Kaltenegger of Cornell University, Alison Duvall of the University of Washington, and Brittany Perham of Stanford University.
Linda Schott Appointed President of Southern Oregon University
Dr. Schott has been serving as president of the University of Maine at Presque Isle. She is the former dean of the School of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences at Fort Lewis College in Colorado.
Two Women Neuroscientists Honored With the Kavli Prize
Eve Marder is the Victor and Gwendolyn Beinfield Professor of Neuroscience at Brandeis University in Waltham, Massachusetts and Carla Shatz is the Sapp Family Provostal Professor and a professor of biology and professor of neurobiology at Stanford University.
One Woman Among Four Finalists for Dean Post at the University of Colorado
Margaret R. Martonosi is the Hugh Trumball Adams ’35 Professor of Computer Science at Princeton University in New Jersey. For three years she served as associate dean for academic affairs for the university’s School of Engineering and Applied Science.
In Memoriam: Shirley Ann Mount Hufstedler, 1925-2016
Shirley Hufstedler was the nation’s first secretary of the Department of Education. She also served on the board of trustees of the California Institute of Technology for 39 years.
In Memoriam: Barbara Mary Rosenthal Almond, 1938-2016
Dr. Almond taught psychiatry at Stanford University and the San Francisco Center for Psychoanalysis. She was also an author and practiced psychiatry in Palo Alto, California, for more than 40 years.
Two Women Academics Are Finalists for the PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction
Julie Iromuanya is an assistant professor of English and Africana literature at Arizona State University and Elizabeth Tallent is a professor of literature and creative writing at Stanford University in California. They are among five finalists for the prestigious award that will given out on May 14.
Finding a Different Path to Faculty Posts in Academia for Women in STEM Fields
A new study by researchers at the University of Washington suggests that colleges and universities look to industry, government, and private research organizations to expand the pool of women teaching science and mathematics in the academic world.
Six Women Academics Elected Fellows of the National Academy of Engineering
Recently, the National Academy of Engineering announced its 2016 class of new fellows. According to WIAReport‘s analysis, only 12 of the 80 new members are women. Thus, women are just 15 percent of the new members.
Five Women Assuming New Administrative Duties in Higher Education
The five women in new administrative roles are Melissa Yang at the University of North Dakota, Hope Murphy Tyehimba at North Carolina Central University, Steph Barry at the University of California, San Diego, Alison Colwell at Stanford University, and Susan Promislo at Princeton University.
Nine Women Awarded Prestigious Churchill Scholarships
Nine women from the United States are among the 15 students who have been awarded Churchill Scholarships for master’s degree programs in STEM fields at the University of Cambridge in England.
Angelique EagleWoman to Lead a Canadian Law School
Angelique EagleWoman was appointed dean of the Bora Laskin Faculty of Law at Lakehead University in Thunder Bay, Ontario. A member of the Sisseton-Wahpeton Dakota Oyate of the Lake Traverse Reservation in South Dakota, she currently is a professor of law at the University of Idaho.
Three Women Named to Endowed Chairs at the Stanford University School of Medicine
The three women named to endowed chairs at the Stanford University School of Medicine are Linda Boxer, Anne Brunet, and Leonore A. Herzenberg.
Three Women Among the Nation’s Top 10 Most Influential Educational Scholars
Linda Darling Hammond of Stanford University was rated as the most influential university-based education scholar in the United States. Also among the top 10 influential scholars are Diane Ravitch of New York University and Glorida Ladson-Billings of the University of WIsconsin-Madison.
Six Women Faculty Members Taking on New Duties at Major Universities
Taking on new roles are Alisha Holland at Princeton University, Jan Krawitz at Stanford University, Rhonda Longworth at Eastern Michigan University, Jacquelyn Taylor at Yale University, Barbara Krauthamer at the University of Massachusetts, and Selina Heppell at Oregon State University.
Colgate University Scholar Honored by the Conference on Latin American History
Heather Roller, an assistant professor of history at Colgate University in Hamilton, New York, was honored for her book on the Amazon River region in Brazil during the eighteenth century.
Three Women Scholars Named to Endowed Chairs
The three women appointed to endowed chairs are Christine Jacobs-Wagner at Yale University in Connecticut, Mary J. Henold at Roanoke College in Salem, Virginia, and Anne Brunet at Stanford University in California.
New Faculty Roles at Major Universities for Six Women Academics
Taking on new duties are Deborah Stipek at Stanford University, Gwendolyn Williams at Elizabeth City State University, Kacey Durant at the University of Nevada, Nzingha Dalila at the University of Cincinnati, Kate Campbell at the University of North Dakota, and Asuman Ozdaglar at MIT.
Rebecca Dutch to Lead the American Society of Virology
Rebecca Dutch will become president of the 3,000-member organization in 2016. She is a professor of molecular and cellular biochemistry and associate dean of biomedical education in the College of Medicine at the University of Kentucky.
Polly Cortise to Receive the $100,000 Stanford Bright Award
Polly Cortise is the founding director of the Institute for Sustainability Leaders at the University of Cambridge in England. She is being honored for her long career in consulting with corporations and government officials and helping them make responsible environmental decisions.
Ten Women Taking on New Teaching Roles at Colleges and Universities
Here is this week’s roundup of women who have been appointed to new faculty positions at colleges and universities throughout the United States.
Seven Women Scholars Are Honored With Awards of Distinction
The honorees are Sherryl A. Broverman of Duke University, Lydia Kavraki of Rice University, Condoleezza Rice of Stanford University, Lonna Atkeson of the University of New Mexico, Karen Thole and Beverly A. Cigler of Penn State, and Mary Fainsod Katzenstein of Cornell University.
In Memoriam: Carolyn Patricia Boyd, 1944-2015
Dr. Boyd taught history at the University of Texas at Austin from 1973 to 1999. She then joined the faculty at the University of California, Irvine. There she served as director of the Honor Program and in 2006 was named dean of graduate studies.
Eight Women Academics Given Prestigious Honors
The honorees are Dolores M. Shoback, Natalie Winklefoos, Lesley Farmer, Mary Louise Petersen, Dawn J. Wright, Carolyn R. Bertozzi, Colette Heald, and Roslin Growe.
Geophysicist Marcia McNutt Will Be the Next President of the National Academy of Sciences
Dr. McNutt currently serves as editor-in-chief of the Science family of journals. From 2009 to 2013, Dr. McNutt was director of the U.S. Geological Survey. She has served on the faculty at MIT and Stanford University.