RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "Stanford University"

Stanford's Fei-Fei Li Wins Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering

Stanford’s Fei-Fei Li Wins Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering

Among a cohort of seven recipients, Dr. Li was the only woman to receive the 2025 Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering. She is a leading expert in machine learning whose contributions have contributed to the modern understanding of artificial intelligence.

Andrea Goldsmith Appointed President of Stony Brook University

Andrea Goldsmith Appointed President of Stony Brook University

An electrical engineer, inventor, and author, Dr. Goldsmith currently serves as dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Science at Princeton. She will begin her presidency at Stony Brook University in August.

In Memoriam: Mala Htun, 1969-2025

In Memoriam: Mala Htun, 1969-2025

A scholar of comparative politics, women’s rights, social justice, and inclusive STEM environments, Dr. Htun taught political science in academia for over two decades. At the time of her passing, she was a distinguished professor at the University of New Mexico.

Three Women Scientists Awarded Vilcek Foundation Prizes in Biomedical Sciences

Three Women Scientists Awarded Vilcek Foundation Prizes in Biomedical Sciences

The Vilcek Foundation aims to raise awareness of immigrant contributions to the United States. This year, three women scholars at American universities have been honored for their outstanding cancer research contributions.

New Dean Appointments for Four Women in Academia

New Dean Appointments for Four Women in Academia

The new deans are Amanda Haertling Thein at the University of Colorado Boulder, Sarah Soule at Stanford University, Nancy La Vigne at Rutgers University in New Jersey, and Jessica Slaten at Gadsden State Community College in Alabama.

Sara Brownell Recognized for Outstanding Research on Undergraduate STEM Education

Sara Brownell Recognized for Outstanding Research on Undergraduate STEM Education

Dr. Brownell currently serves as a President’s Professor in the School of Life Sciences and founding director of the Research for Inclusive STEM Education Center at Arizona State University, where she researches inclusivity in undergraduate STEM environments.

Kathleen DuVal Honored for Her Book on the History of North America

Kathleen DuVal Honored for Her Book on the History of North America

Dr. DuVal is a longtime professor of history at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Her award-winning book, Native Nations: A Millennium in North America, discusses the history of the continent’s Indigenous peoples over the past 1,000 years.

In Memoriam: Diane Edmund Griffin, 1940-2024

In Memoriam: Diane Edmund Griffin, 1940-2024

Diane Edmund Griffin taught at Johns Hopkins University for over four decades. She was an expert on infectious disease who frequently lent her expertise to national and global organizations, such as the National Institutes of Health and the World Health Organization.

Report Reveals New Data on Sexual Assault and Misconduct in Higher Education

Report Reveals New Data on Sexual Assault and Misconduct in Higher Education

According to a new report from Westat, nearly 19 percent of women and 21 percent of genderqueer students experienced some form of nonconsensual sexual misconduct in 2024. This is a decrease from 2019.

Victoria Chang Wins The Forward Prize for Best Poetry Collection

Victoria Chang Wins The Forward Prize for Best Poetry Collection

Professor Chang is the first Asian American and first woman to hold the Bourne Chair of Poetry at the Georgia Institute of Technology. She was honored by The Forward Foundation for her new poetry collection, With My Back to the World

Jennifer Borland Receives Book Award From the Society for Medieval Feminist Scholarship

Jennifer Borland Receives Book Award From the Society for Medieval Feminist Scholarship

Dr. Borland was honored for her book Visualizing Household Health: Medieval Women, Art, and Knowledge in the Régime du corps. She has been a member of the Oklahoma State University for nearly two decades.

Study Uncovers Racial and Socioeconomic Disparities in the Rate of Preterm Births Among American Mothers

Study Uncovers Racial and Socioeconomic Disparities in the Rate of Preterm Births Among American Mothers

Preterm births in the United States have increased over the past decade, largely due to significant racial disparities in the experiences of Black, Native American, and Hawaiian and Pacific Islander mothers from low-income families.

In Memoriam: Frances Conley, 1940-2024

In Memoriam: Frances Conley, 1940-2024

In 1982, Dr. Conley became the first woman in the United States to be awarded tenure in neurosurgery. As a professor at Stanford University, she was dedicated to advancing women’s equity in academic medicine.

A Dozen Women Faculty Members Selected for New Academic Appointments

A Dozen Women Faculty Members Selected for New Academic Appointments

Here is this week’s roundup of women who have been appointed to new faculty positions at colleges and universities throughout the United States. If you have news for our appointments section, please email the information to

Alexandra Newton Honored for Outstanding Research in Protein Science and Human Health

Alexandra Newton Honored for Outstanding Research in Protein Science and Human Health

Dr. Newton is a Distinguished Professor of Pharmacology at the University of California, San Diego. She also serves as director of Cell Signaling San Diego, a collaborative center for molecular mechanism research.

Three Women Historians in Higher Education Receive Prestigious Dan David Prize

Three Women Historians in Higher Education Receive Prestigious Dan David Prize

Keisha Blain of Brown University, Cécile Fromont of Harvard University, and Kathryn Olivarius of Stanford University have received 2024 Dan David Prizes for their outstanding achievements as academic historians.

Eight Women Taking on New Faculty Positions at Colleges and Universities

Eight Women Taking on New Faculty Positions at Colleges and Universities

Here is this week’s roundup of women who have been appointed to new faculty positions at colleges and universities throughout the United States. If you have news for our appointments section, please email the information to

In Memoriam: Martha Catherine Wroe, 1921-2024

In Memoriam: Martha Catherine Wroe, 1921-2024

For nearly two decades, Wroe served as a professor of physical therapy at the University of Florida, where she co-founded the department of physical therapy.

Five Women Who Have Been Appointed to University Administrative Posts

Five Women Who Have Been Appointed to University Administrative Posts

Here is this week’s roundup of women who have been appointed to new administrative positions at colleges and universities throughout the United States. If you have news for our appointments section, please email the information to

American Economic Association Names Bronwyn Hall a 2024 Distinguished Fellow

American Economic Association Names Bronwyn Hall a 2024 Distinguished Fellow

Dr. Hall is a professor emerita of economics at the University of California, Berkeley, where she taught for nearly four-decades. She has conducted extensive research on patents, patent citations, the relationship between research and development and productivity, and the econometrics of firm-level microdata

In Memoriam: Marjorie Perloff, 1931-2024

In Memoriam: Marjorie Perloff, 1931-2024

Dr. Perloff was a professor emerita of English with Stanford University, where she taught for 14 years. She was a scholar of contemporary and experimental poetry, authoring over a dozen books throughout her lifetime.

Nancy Cantor Named President of Hunter College in New York

Nancy Cantor Named President of Hunter College in New York

Dr. Cantor says she is “eager to collaborate with communities across New York City to highlight how higher education can answer the call of what the public needs, now and going forward.”

Caltech's Shu-ou Shan Recognized for Her Research on Molecular Machines in Protein Folding

Caltech’s Shu-ou Shan Recognized for Her Research on Molecular Machines in Protein Folding

The National Academy of Science has honored Shu-ou Shan with their Award in Molecular Biology. Dr. Shan is the Altair Professor of Chemistry at the California Institute of Technology where she studies biochemistry and molecular biophysics.

Livia Schiavinato Eberlin Honored for Her Work in Cancer Research

Livia Schiavinato Eberlin Honored for Her Work in Cancer Research

Dr. Eberlin, an associate professor of surgery at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, developed the MasSpec Pen in 2016 while she was serving as an assistant professor at the University of Texas at Austin. The MasSpec Pen is a device for detecting cancer directly on tissues. The device is used to detect cancer tissue during a surgical operation, which allows doctors to more accurately remove tumor tissue.

MIT's Elly Nedivi Honored for Her Research on the Cerebral Cortex

MIT’s Elly Nedivi Honored for Her Research on the Cerebral Cortex

Elly Nedivi is the William R. and Linda R. Young Professor of Neuroscience in The Picower Institute for Learning and Memory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She is the 2023 recipient of the Krieg Cortical Kudos Discoverer Award from the Cajal Club.

Cathy Garzio Named Chief Operating Office for Weill Cornell Medicine

Cathy Garzio Named Chief Operating Office for Weill Cornell Medicine

Garzio was previously vice chair and director of finance and administration in the department of medicine at the Stanford University School of Medicine. Earlier, she was administrative director of the department of radiology and biomedical imaging at the University of California, San Francisco.

Women Are Making Progress in Academic Publishing in STEM But a Gender Gap Persists

Women Are Making Progress in Academic Publishing in STEM But a Gender Gap Persists

In an analysis of 5.8 million authors in journals of 174 scientific fields, the researchers found that men outnumbered women 3.93 times among those authors who started publishing before 1992, but only 1.36 times among those authors who started publishing after 2011.

In Memoriam: Emily Honig, 1953-2023

In Memoriam: Emily Honig, 1953-2023

Dr. Honig taught at Lafayette College and Yale University, before joining the University of California, Santa Cruz in 1992 where she would teach for the next 28 years.

Maya Rossin-Slater Awadred the Elaine Bennett Research Prize from the American Economic Association

Maya Rossin-Slater Awadred the Elaine Bennett Research Prize from the American Economic Association

Maya Rossin-Slater is a senior fellow at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research and an associate professor of health policy at Stanford University. The prize recognizes Dr. Rossin-Slater’s research examining the impacts of public policies and other factors on families and children.

In Memoriam: Karin Woodruff Jackson, 1940-2023

In Memoriam: Karin Woodruff Jackson, 1940-2023

In 1974, Jackson began teaching courses in women’s studies at the University of Southern Maine. She went on to teach for 10 years at Westbrook College in Portland, Maine, and later for 20 years at the University of Maine at Augusta.

Princeton's Ilana Witten Receives a Director's Pioneer Award From the National Institutes of Health

Princeton’s Ilana Witten Receives a Director’s Pioneer Award From the National Institutes of Health

Professor Witten, an expert in the brain activity that underlies reward-driven learning and decision making, will receive funding to study the fundamental question of what produces individual differences in behavior, a question often posed as nature versus nurture.

Stanford University Appoints Jenny Martinez as Its Next Provost

Stanford University Appoints Jenny Martinez as Its Next Provost

Jenny S. Martinez is the dean of Stanford Law School and the Richard E. Lang Professor of Law. Prior to her appointment as law school dean, she served as associate dean for curriculum from 2013 to 2016. Professor Martinez is a leading expert on the role of courts and tribunals in advancing human rights. She will become the 14th provost of Stanford University on October 1.

Agustina S. Paglayan Wins Award for the Best Paper in Political Science

Agustina S. Paglayan Wins Award for the Best Paper in Political Science

Agustina S. Paglayan, an assistant professor of political science at the University of California, San Diego, has received the 2023 Heinz I. Eulau Award from the American Political Science Association. She is being recognized for the best article published in the American Political Science Review.

In Memoriam: Mary A. Kilbourne Matossian, 1930-2023

In Memoriam: Mary A. Kilbourne Matossian, 1930-2023

Mary Kilbourn Matossia was a noted historian who was an expert on Armenia. She taught for 31 years at the University of Maryland.

Stanford University Study Finds a Gender Gap in Academic Authors Who Get to Share in Patents

Stanford University Study Finds a Gender Gap in Academic Authors Who Get to Share in Patents

New research undertaken by an interdisciplinary team of Stanford Law and Stanford Medicine students, looks at the overlap between biomedical research paper authors and those authors who go on to be named inventors of their research on patents. Among the findings is a gender discrepancy between male and female authors, with male authors receiving patents more frequently.