All Entries Tagged With: "Southern Oregon University"

In Memoriam: Frances Degen Horowitz, 1932-2021
Dr. Horowitz served as president of the Graduate Center of the City University of New York from 1991 to 2005. Earlier, Dr. Horowitz distinguished herself as a developmental psychologist and administrator at the University of Kansas.

Does Funding for State Universities in Oregon Have a Gender Bias?
A new study led by Jacqueline Strenio, an assistant professor of economics at Southern Oregon University in Ashland, finds that public funding of state universities in Oregon favors academic programs and universities with higher percentages of men.

Linda Schott Appointed President of Southern Oregon University
Dr. Schott has been serving as president of the University of Maine at Presque Isle. She is the former dean of the School of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences at Fort Lewis College in Colorado.

Mary Cullinan Is One of Three Finalists for President of Youngstown State University
Youngstown State University has announced that it has selected three finalists for the position of president of the university from a pool of 37 candidates. One of the three candidates is a woman: Mary Cullinan, president of Southern Oregon University.