All Entries Tagged With: "Ryerson University"

Study Finds Gender Imbalance In Children’s Television: Onscreen and Behind the Camera
The study of American and Canadian television shows, aimed at kids age 12 and under during the fall of 2017, found that the majority of main characters on children’s fictional TV shows are male. Additionally, men are more likely to be the creators, writers, and directors of these shows.
Posted on May 08, 2019 | Comments 0

Ten Women in New Administrative Roles in Higher Education
The ten women in new posts are Cindy Glavas, Charmaine Hack, Linda A.D. Bub, Ingrid Stolzel, Laurie Koehler, Lori Hendricks, Karen Clarke, Jennifer Paustenbaugh, Pam Peter and Marcy Carsey.
Posted on Apr 03, 2013 | Comments 0