All Entries Tagged With: "Rochester Community and Technical College"

Leslie Rodriguez-McClellon Named Seventeenth President of Arkansas Baptist College
Prior to her new role, Dr. Rodriguez-McClellon was the vice president of community relations and governmental affairs at Saint Augustine’s University in Raleigh. She has a robust background in higher education, including service as the first African American president of Rochester Community and Technical College in Minnesota.

Two New Leaders for Community Colleges in Minnesota
Joyce Helens, president of St. Cloud Technical and Community, will serve as acting president of Rochester Community and Technical College. While President Helens serves in Rochester, Peg Shroyer will be acting president at St. Cloud Technical and Community College. She is vice president for academic affairs at the college.

Leslie McClellon Resigns as President of Rochester Community and Technical College
President McClellon had been criticized over her spending and hiring decisions since taking office only 18 months ago. She will take a position as a senior system director at the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities System.