All Entries Tagged With: "Northeast State Community College"

Two Women Presidents Announce They Are Stepping Down
Ruth Simmons, president of Prairie View A&M University in Texas, has announced that she plans to retire but is willing to continue serving in the role until her successor is named. Bethany Bullock, president of Northeast State Community College in Blountville, Tennessee, has resigned but will return in the fall to teach business.

Allana Hamilton Appointed Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs for the Tennessee Board of Regents
Dr. Hamilton has been president of Jackson State Community College in Tennessee for nearly three years. Before becoming president of Jackson State Community College in January 2017, Dr. Hamilton was vice president for academic affairs at Northeast State Community College in Blountville, Tennessee.

Bethany Flora Appointed President of Northeast State Community College in Blountville, Tennessee
Currently, Dr. Flora is the associate director of the Center for Community College Leadership at East Tennessee State University in Johnson City. She also serves as an associate professor of postsecondary leadership in the Clemmer College of Education. Dr. Flora will being her tenure as president in June 2019.

Alanna Hamilton to Lead Jackson State Community College in Tennessee
Since 2010, Dr. Hamilton has been vice president for academic affairs at Northeast State Community College in Blountville, Tennessee. She has been a faculty member at the college since 1991. Dr. Hamilton will become president of Jackson State Community College on January 10.