All Entries Tagged With: "National Bureau of Economic Research"
Exposure to High-Achieving Male Peers May Lower Girls’ Chance of Earning a Bachelor’s Degree
According to a new report from the National Bureau of Economic Research, high school girls who have a greater exposure to high-achieving male peers are less likely to complete a bachelor’s degree. The research also found that by ages 26 to 32, these girls have lower labor-force participation rates and more children.
Cornell Study Says Liberal Parental Leave Programs May Hinder Women’s Corporate Advancement
“There may be a tradeoff between some policies that make it easier for women to combine work and family and women’s advancement at work,” the authors write.
Women Making Slow Progress in Academic Publishing in the Economics Field
A new study published by the National Bureau of Economic Research finds that women have made some small gains in academic publishing in the economics discipline. However, the progress in academic publishing does not reflect the larger increase in the number of women economists.
In Memoriam: Anna Jacobson Schwartz, 1915-2012
In 1941, Dr. Schwartz joined the National Bureau of Economic Research, an affiliation she maintained for more than 70 years.
Women From Upper-Income Families Are Fueling the Gender Gap in Higher Education
While college enrollment rates for men and women from all income groups have increased in recent decades, enrollment rates of women from high-income families have increased the most.