All Entries Tagged With: "National Academy of Engineering"

Women Make Big Strides at the National Academy of Engineering
It appears that there are 33 women among the 83 new members of the National Academy of Engineering. This is a huge increase from a year ago, when 19 women were among the 83 new members.

Eight Women Faculty Members Named to the National Academy of Engineering
According to an analysis of the new membership list, it appears that there are 19 women among the 83 new members of the National Academy of Engineering. Eight of the 19 new women members currently hold faculty posts in academia.

Ten Women Faculty Members Elected to the National Academy of Engineering
According to an analysis of the new membership list, it appears that there are 19 women among the 84 new members of the National Academy of Engineering. Ten of the 19 new women members currently hold faculty posts in academia.

Only Five Women Among the 69 New Members of the National Academy of Engineering
Two of the five women have no current academic affiliations but the other three are Donna Blackmond of the Scripps Research Institute, Dawn Bonnell of the University of Pennsylvania, and Sharon Wood of the University of Texas.