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American Institute of Physics Gives the Science Communications Award to Professor Susan Hockfield

American Institute of Physics Gives the Science Communications Award to Professor Susan Hockfield

Susan Hockfield is a professor of neuroscience, a member of the Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research, and president emerita at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She was honored for her book, The Age of Living Machines: How Biology Will Build the Next Technology Revolution.

In Memoriam: Marie Marcelle Buteau Racine, 1934-2020

In Memoriam: Marie Marcelle Buteau Racine, 1934-2020

In 1969, Dr. Racine, a native of Haiti, joined the foreign languages faculty at Federal City College, which later became part of the University of the District of Columbia. She taught there until her retirement n 2013.

In Memoriam: Antoinette Iadarola, 1940-2020

In Memoriam: Antoinette Iadarola, 1940-2020

Dr. Iadarola was the sixth president of Cabrini University, which is affiliated with the Roman Catholic Church. She was the university’s first lay president. Dr. Iadarola served as president from 1992 to 2008.

New Administrative Duties for 10 Women at Colleges and Universities

New Administrative Duties for 10 Women at Colleges and Universities

Here is this week’s roundup of women who have been appointed to new administrative positions at colleges and universities throughout the United States.

Eight Women Who Have Been Appointed to New Administrative Positions in Higher Education

Eight Women Who Have Been Appointed to New Administrative Positions in Higher Education

Here is this week’s roundup of women who have been appointed to new administrative positions at colleges and universities throughout the United States.

National Science Foundation to Name an Astronomical Observatory in Chile for Vera Rubin

National Science Foundation to Name an Astronomical Observatory in Chile for Vera Rubin

Vera Rubin, a pioneering astrophysicist who confirmed the existence of black matter in the universe and taught at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., will be recognized by having the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope facility in Chile named in her honor.

New Administrative Appointments for Eight Women at American Universities

New Administrative Appointments for Eight Women at American Universities

Here is this week’s roundup of women who have been appointed to new administrative positions at colleges and universities throughout the United States.

Eight Women Educators Who Have Been Been Selected to Receive Notable Honors and Awards

Eight Women Educators Who Have Been Been Selected to Receive Notable Honors and Awards

Here is this week’s listing of women in higher education who have been honored by colleges and universities or who have received notable awards from other organizations.

Research Finds an Easy Way to Increase Women's Participation in STEM Courses

Research Finds an Easy Way to Increase Women’s Participation in STEM Courses

NaLette Brodnax, an assistant professor in the McCourt School of Public Policy at Georgetown University, created a set of brochures that were integrated into the advising process during freshman orientation so women could see how a technology class would align with their degree requirements and with their interests.

A Dozen Women Who Have Been Appointed to Administrative Posts in Higher Education

A Dozen Women Who Have Been Appointed to Administrative Posts in Higher Education

Here is this week’s roundup of women who have been appointed to new administrative positions at colleges and universities throughout the United States.

Joyce McConnell Appointed President of Colorado State University in Fort Collins

Joyce McConnell Appointed President of Colorado State University in Fort Collins

Currently, Professor McConnell serves as provost and vice president for academic affairs at West Virginia University; a role she has held since 2014. In addition to her administrative role, she serves as the Thomas R. Goodwin Professor of Law at the university. She will become president of Colorado State University on July 1.

Five Women Who Have Been Appointed to Endowed Chairs

Five Women Who Have Been Appointed to Endowed Chairs

The five women appointed to endowed chairs are Bethany Rittle-Johnson at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Debra Fischer at Yale University in Connecticut, Jane Aiken at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., Pearl K. Dowe at Emory University in Atlanta, and Tami Bond at Colorado State University.

Maria Cancian Elected President of the Association of Public Policy Analysis and Management

Maria Cancian Elected President of the Association of Public Policy Analysis and Management

Recently, Cancian was named dean of the McCourt School of Public Policy at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. She has been serving as a professor at the Robert M. La Follette School of Public Affairs at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Lucile Adams-Campbell Honored as a 2018 Washingtonian of the Year

Lucile Adams-Campbell Honored as a 2018 Washingtonian of the Year

Lucile Adams-Campbell is a professor of oncology, associate director for minority health and health disparities research at the Georgetown University Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center, and associate dean of community health and outreach at the Georgetown University Medical Center in Washington, D.C.

President of the College of DuPage Resigns to Become Leader of the Naval Postgraduate School

President of the College of DuPage Resigns to Become Leader of the Naval Postgraduate School

Ann Rondeau, president of the College of DuPage in Glen Ellyn, Illinois, has announced she will leave the college at the end of December to become president of the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California. Dr. Rondeau became the College of DuPage’s sixth president in May 2016. She is the first woman to ever hold the position.

Georgetown University Computer Science Professor Mines #MeToo Movement Data

Georgetown University Computer Science Professor Mines #MeToo Movement Data

The data, mined by a research team at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., found that there have been more than 8.1 million tweets containing #MeToo to date and most tweets were more negative than positive. The project was led by Lisa Singh, a professor of computer science at the university.

Beth Boehm Is the New Provost at the University of Louisville in Kentucky

Beth Boehm Is the New Provost at the University of Louisville in Kentucky

Dr. Boehm has been a faculty member of the English department at Louisville since 1987 and has been interim provost since May 2018. She was the inaugural permanent dean of the School of Graduate and Interdisciplinary Studies at the university.

Grants or Gifts Relating to Women in Higher Education

Grants or Gifts Relating to Women in Higher Education

Here is this week’s news of grants and gifts that may be of particular interest to women in higher education.

College of the Holy Cross Scholar Wins Book Award From the World History Association

College of the Holy Cross Scholar Wins Book Award From the World History Association

Lorelle Semley, an associate professor of history at th College of Holy Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts, will share the Bentley Book Prize from the World History Association. Dr. Semley’s book, described by a reviewer as a “staple of reading lists for years to come,” explores the meaning of citizenship for French colonial subjects of African descent.

Five Women Appointed to Positions as Deans at Large Universities

Five Women Appointed to Positions as Deans at Large Universities

The new deans are Maria Cancian at Georgetown University, Laura D. Tyson at the University of California, Berkeley, Stephanie Woods at the Texas Tech Health Science Center in El Paso, Kit Pogliano at the University of California, San Diego, and Lorraine Frazier at Columbia University in New York City.

Tanya Millner-Harlee to Lead Manchester Community College in Connecticut

Tanya Millner-Harlee to Lead Manchester Community College in Connecticut

Tanya Millner-Harlee is the interim Campus CEO of Manchester Community College in Connecticut. She is a professor of English and has been serving as interim dean of academic affairs at the college. She will serve while a search is conducted for an individual to fill the position on a permanent basis.

Five Women Scholars Taking on New Assignments at Major Universities

Five Women Scholars Taking on New Assignments at Major Universities

The women faculty members in new roles are Hui Cao at Yale University, Cynthia Feliciano at Washington University in St. Louis, Tayari Jones at Emory University in Atlanta, Jane Aiken at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., and Mary Beth Kirkham at Kansas State University.

University of Mississippi's Karen Raber to Lead the Shakespeare Association of America

University of Mississippi’s Karen Raber to Lead the Shakespeare Association of America

The association, founded in 1972, has been housed at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. Now the organization will be headquartered at the University of Mississippi. Dr. Raber has taught at Ole Miss since 1995.

Georgetown University Study Documents a Persisting Gender Wage Gap for College Graduates

Georgetown University Study Documents a Persisting Gender Wage Gap for College Graduates

Perhaps most telling is the fact that women need to earn an extra degree up the education ladder in order to earn at or near the same level as men. Women with a master’s degree had average earnings of $83,000 in 2017, according to the report. But men with a bachelor’s degree had mean earnings of $87,000.

Georgetown University Alumna Wins a Rhodes Scholarship From Bermuda

Georgetown University Alumna Wins a Rhodes Scholarship From Bermuda

Deirdre Collins, a 2017 graduate of Georgetown University, has been selected as a Rhodes Scholar from the nation of Bermuda. She will begin study this coming fall at the University of Oxford, pursuing a master’s degree in environmental change and management.

Georgetown University Study Examines Why Women Transfer Out of STEM Majors

Georgetown University Study Examines Why Women Transfer Out of STEM Majors

The study found that women who are threatened by the prospect of low grades, are in fields with a low number of women peers, and are subjected to stereotypes that they are unlikely to succeed, are likely to switch majors. Only when all three factors are present are women likely to transfer to another field, according to the research.

Study Led by Georgetown University Researchers Finds High-Fat Diet May Increase Breast Cancer Risk in Offspring

Study Led by Georgetown University Researchers Finds High-Fat Diet May Increase Breast Cancer Risk in Offspring

Using mice, researchers found that if the animals were switched to a high fat diet in the second trimester of their pregnancies, an increase in breast cancer risk was observed in their daughter, granddaughters, and great granddaughters.

A Large Group of Women Faculty Members Taking on New Duties in Higher Education

A Large Group of Women Faculty Members Taking on New Duties in Higher Education

Here is this week’s listing of women faculty members from colleges and universities throughout the United States who have been appointed to new positions or have been assigned new duties.

The Next President of Oberlin College in Ohio

The Next President of Oberlin College in Ohio

Since 2008, Dr. Ambar has been serving as president of Cedar Crest College in Allentown, Pennsylvania. She is widely regarded as having done a remarkable job leading the woman’s college. Earlier in her career, she was the youngest dean in the history of Rutgers University.

One Woman Among the Three Finalists for the $250,000 Cherry Award for Great Teaching

One Woman Among the Three Finalists for the $250,000 Cherry Award for Great Teaching

Heidi G. Elmendorf is an associate professor of biology at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. Her research is focused on an intestinal pathogen that is a significant contributor to diarrheal disease around the world.

Two American Women Professors to Receive Windham-Campbell Prizes

Two American Women Professors to Receive Windham-Campbell Prizes

The two winners, who will each receive a $165,000 prize, are Maya Jasanoff, the Coolidge Professor of History at Harvard University, and Carolyn Forché, a professor of English and the director of the Lannan Center for Poetics and Social Practice at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C.

Trinity Washington University President to Be Honored by the Ignatian Solidarity Network

Trinity Washington University President to Be Honored by the Ignatian Solidarity Network

The award, which will be presented to President Patricia McGuire in May, honors an individual who has demonstrated significant leadership for social justice grounded in the the spirituality of St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Society of Jesus or the Jesuits.

In Memoriam: Vera Florence Cooper Rubin, 1928-2016

In Memoriam: Vera Florence Cooper Rubin, 1928-2016

Vera Rubin was the only astronomy major in her 1948 graduating class at Vassar College. Seeking to obtain a Ph.D. in astronomy at Princeton University, Rubin was denied admission due to her gender. After obtaining a Ph.D. at Georgetown University, her research confirmed the existence of “dark matter” in the universe.

In March, Debora Spar Will Step Down as President of Barnard College

In March, Debora Spar Will Step Down as President of Barnard College

Dr. Spar, who has led the highly rated liberal arts college for women in New York City since 2008, has agreed to become president and chief executive officer of the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts in New York City.

The Higher Education Ties of the Nation's First Vietnamese-American Woman in Congress

The Higher Education Ties of the Nation’s First Vietnamese-American Woman in Congress

Stephanie Murphy, an instructor of business and social entrepreneurship at Rollins College, defeated 23-year Republican incumbent John Mica by just over 10,000 votes in Florida’s Seventh Congressional District. When she takes office in January, Murphy will be the first Vietnamese-American woman to serve in the U.S. Congress.