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In Memoriam: Nancy Moody, 1951-2024

In Memoriam: Nancy Moody, 1951-2024

Dr. Moody was the first woman president of Lincoln Memorial University and what is now Tusculum University. Prior to her presidencies, she served as a professor of nursing at several Tennessee-based universities.

New Dean Appointments for Four Women Leaders in Academia

New Dean Appointments for Four Women Leaders in Academia

The new deans are Kim Jones at Union University in Jackson, Tennessee, Dena Evans at East Tennessee State University, Denise Seachrist at Kent State University at Salem in Ohio, and Kathryn Bezella at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire.

Cathy Monteroso Is the First Woman to Lead West Liberty University in West Virginia

Cathy Monteroso Is the First Woman to Lead West Liberty University in West Virginia

Dr. Monteroso has been at West Liberty University for 13 years, serving first as a member of faculty, then dean of the College of Education and Human Performance and for the past year as interim provost and vice president of academic affairs.

Women's Studies Program at East Tennessee State University Enhances Its Curriculum

Women’s Studies Program at East Tennessee State University Enhances Its Curriculum

The women’s studies program at East Tennessee State Univerity in Johnson City began as a minor degree and offered its first bachelor’s degree program in 2007. The program has now updated its curriculum and will now be known as the Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies program.

In Memoriam: Mary Louise McBee, 1924-2021

In Memoriam: Mary Louise McBee, 1924-2021

Dr. McBee held many positions at the University of Georgia including dean of women and vice president of academic affairs. She also served as an associate professor of psychology and an associate professor of higher education.

Allana Hamilton Appointed Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs for the Tennessee Board of Regents

Allana Hamilton Appointed Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs for the Tennessee Board of Regents

Dr. Hamilton has been president of Jackson State Community College in Tennessee for nearly three years. Before becoming president of Jackson State Community College in January 2017, Dr. Hamilton was vice president for academic affairs at Northeast State Community College in Blountville, Tennessee.

The  First Woman President of New River Community and Technical College in West Virginia

The First Woman President of New River Community and Technical College in West Virginia

In January, Bonny Copenhaver will become the first woman president of New River Community and Technical College in Beaver, West Virginia. She has been serving as vice president of academic affairs and campus administrator at Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College in Superior, Wisconsin.

New Administrative Appointments for 13 Women at Major Universities

New Administrative Appointments for 13 Women at Major Universities

Here is this week’s roundup of women who have been appointed to new administrative positions at colleges and universities throughout the United States.

Alanna Hamilton to Lead Jackson State Community College in Tennessee

Alanna Hamilton to Lead Jackson State Community College in Tennessee

Since 2010, Dr. Hamilton has been vice president for academic affairs at Northeast State Community College in Blountville, Tennessee. She has been a faculty member at the college since 1991. Dr. Hamilton will become president of Jackson State Community College on January 10.

Sally McRorie Appointed Provost at Florida State University

Sally McRorie Appointed Provost at Florida State University

Since December 2014, Dr. McRorie has been interim provost at Florida State University. Previously, Dr. McRorie was vice president for faculty development and advancement at the university.

Sandra Patterson-Randles Is a Finalist for Presidency of East Tennessee State University

Sandra Patterson-Randles Is a Finalist for Presidency of East Tennessee State University

Currently, she is chancellor of Indiana University Southeast in New Albany.