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Six Women Who Have Been Appointed to Dean Positions at Universities

Six Women Who Have Been Appointed to Dean Positions at Universities

Newly appointed to dean positions are Melanie Hatch at Albany State University in Georgia, Nancy Coleman at Harvard University, Kristin Gilger at Arizona State University, Jessica Harpole at the Mississippi University for Women, Susan Ettner at the University of California, Los Angeles, and Kavita Bala at Cornell University in ithaca, New York.

Organization of American Historians Bestows Award on Cornell University's Verónica Martínez-Matsuda

Organization of American Historians Bestows Award on Cornell University’s Verónica Martínez-Matsuda

Dr. Martínez-Matsuda has received the 2020 Binkley-Stephenson Award from the Organization of American Historians. The award is presented for the best research paper to have appeared in the last 12 months in the Journal of American History.

A Half Dozen Women Who Have Been Appointed to Dean Positions at Universities

A Half Dozen Women Who Have Been Appointed to Dean Positions at Universities

The new deans are Paula S. Bontempi at the University of Rhode Island, Ophelie Rowe-Allen at the University of New Haven in Connecticut, Kathryn Boor at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, Shelley Johnson at Florida A&M University, Laurie Maffly-Kipp at Washington University in St. Louis and Heidi Henschel Pellett at Central Washington University.

Seven Women Faculty Members Are Given New Assignments in Higher Education

Seven Women Faculty Members Are Given New Assignments in Higher Education

Here is this week’s listing of women faculty members from colleges and universities throughout the United States who have been appointed to new positions or have been assigned new duties.

Cornell University Study Finds Women Are Less Likely to Participate in Active Learning Classrooms

Cornell University Study Finds Women Are Less Likely to Participate in Active Learning Classrooms

The study of biology students at Cornell University found that men were more likely to participate in active learning courses, while women reported lower perceptions of their scientific abilities, were more aware of gender identity, and more likely to feel judged based on gender.

New Assignments in Higher Education for Eight Women Scholars

New Assignments in Higher Education for Eight Women Scholars

Here is this week’s listing of women faculty members from colleges and universities throughout the United States who have been appointed to new positions or have been assigned new duties.

Study Finds Differences in Gender Roles in Group Labs in the Field of Physics

Study Finds Differences in Gender Roles in Group Labs in the Field of Physics

The study found that women in the less-structured inquiry labs tended to be high laptop users (primarily analyzing data), while men were high equipment users (collecting data or manipulating the equipment). The researchers also found that men behaved differently when in single- versus mixed-gender groups.

Cornell University Scholar Wins Book Award From the Society of Architectural Historians

Cornell University Scholar Wins Book Award From the Society of Architectural Historians

Samia Henni, an assistant professor in the College of Architecture, Art and Planning, has received the 2020 Spiro Kostof Book Award, which is given to outstanding interdisciplinary studies of urban history that has made a contribution to the understanding of the growth and development of cities.

Universities Appoint Nine Women Scholars to Positions as Deans

Universities Appoint Nine Women Scholars to Positions as Deans

The nine women who have been appointed to university dean positions are Mary Koithan, Brooke Berry, Deborah Keyek-Franssen, Shanna Hagan-Burke, Rachel Dunifon, Lori Schumacher Anderson, Cassandra Hill, Natasha Vijay Munshi, and Karen Sedatole.

Susan Gaber Chosen to Be the Fifth Chancellor of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Susan Gaber Chosen to Be the Fifth Chancellor of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Dr. Gaber currently serves as the first woman president of the University of Toledo in Ohio. She became president in 2015 following six years as provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs at the University of Arkansas. Dr. Gaber will become chancellor of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte on July 1.

In Memoriam: Ann Ellen Redelfs, 1957-2020

In Memoriam: Ann Ellen Redelfs, 1957-2020

In 1995, Redelfs was appointed director of external communications at the San Diego Supercomputer Center at the University of California, San Diego. In 2002 she was named ssociate director of public programs for the Cornell Ornithology Lab.

Robin Garrell Named President of the Graduate Center of the City University of New York

Robin Garrell Named President of the Graduate Center of the City University of New York

For the past nine years, Dr. Garrell has served as vice provost of the Graduate Division at the University of California, Los Angeles. She joined the faculty at UCLA in 1991 and serves as professor of chemistry and professor of bioengineering.

National Science Foundation to Name an Astronomical Observatory in Chile for Vera Rubin

National Science Foundation to Name an Astronomical Observatory in Chile for Vera Rubin

Vera Rubin, a pioneering astrophysicist who confirmed the existence of black matter in the universe and taught at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., will be recognized by having the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope facility in Chile named in her honor.

Lynn Perry Wooten Will Be the Ninth President of Simmons University in Boston

Lynn Perry Wooten Will Be the Ninth President of Simmons University in Boston

Most recently, Dr. Wooten has been serving as the David J. Nolan Dean and Professor of Management and Organizations at Cornell University’s Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management. Prior to her position at Cornell, Dr. Wooten served on the faculty at the University of Michigan for nearly two decades.

Cornell University Philosopher Wins the American Philosophical Association’s Book Prize

Cornell University Philosopher Wins the American Philosophical Association’s Book Prize

Kate Manne associate professor of philosophy in the College of Arts and Sciences at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, has won the 2019 American Philosophical Association’s Book Prize. The biennial prize is awarded in odd years for the best-published book written by a younger philosophy scholar.

New Administrative Duties for Eight Women in American Higher Education

New Administrative Duties for Eight Women in American Higher Education

Here is this week’s roundup of women who have been appointed to new administrative positions at colleges and universities throughout the United States.

Barbara Knuth, Dean of Cornell's Graduate School, Honored by the Council of Graduate Schools

Barbara Knuth, Dean of Cornell’s Graduate School, Honored by the Council of Graduate Schools

Knuth, also a professor of natural resources in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, received the honor at an awards ceremony held during the council’s 59th annual meeting in Nashville, Tennessee. The award included a cash prize.

New Administrative Duties for Nine Women in Higher Education

New Administrative Duties for Nine Women in Higher Education

Here is this week’s roundup of women who have been appointed to new administrative positions at colleges and universities throughout the United States.

Women's Entrepreneurship Program at Cornell University Doubles in Size

Women’s Entrepreneurship Program at Cornell University Doubles in Size

W.E. Cornell was founded last year to empower and train women entrepreneurs in Cornell University’s STEM programs. The program aims to level the playing field by providing members with networking, mentoring and training opportunities to help them compete for venture capital.

In Memoriam: Tracie Gibson

In Memoriam: Tracie Gibson

Dr. Gibson joined the staff at the University of Massachusetts in 2017. Before coming to Amherst, Dr. Gibson served on the faculty at the University of Texas-Permian Basin and later at the University of Missouri-Columbia.

New Administrative Duties for Nine Women at Colleges and Universities

New Administrative Duties for Nine Women at Colleges and Universities

Here is this week’s roundup of women who have been appointed to new administrative positions at colleges and universities throughout the United States.

Julian Lim of Arizona State University Wins the 2019 Institute for Humanities Research Book Award

Julian Lim of Arizona State University Wins the 2019 Institute for Humanities Research Book Award

Dr. Lim was honored for her book that presents the case that nations and governments have long used borders to regulate race and national identity and that racially charged immigration laws have created a monoracial identity and effectively erased the multiracial reality of the past.

Three Women Scholars Who Have Been Appointed to Named Professorships

Three Women Scholars Who Have Been Appointed to Named Professorships

Rachel Beatty Riedl was named to an endowed chair in the department of government at Cornell University. Victoria Niederhauser now holds an endowed chair in the College of Nursing at the University of Tennessee, and Velma McBride Murry, who holds an endowed chair, was named University Professor at Vanderbilt University.

In Memoriam: Carol Gilson Rosen, 1940-2019

In Memoriam: Carol Gilson Rosen, 1940-2019

Dr. Rosen joined the Cornell Univerity faculty in 1978 as an instructor. She was named full professor in 1994. Professor Rosen retired in 2010. Professor Rosen’s research was focused on relational grammar, a framework she helped create.

A Quartet of Women Scholars Who Have Been Selected to Receive Prestigious Awards

A Quartet of Women Scholars Who Have Been Selected to Receive Prestigious Awards

The honorees are Hale Ann Tufan of Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, Nancy Joy, a professor of horn performance at New Mexico State University, Lora Walsh, a scholar of biblical literature at the University of Arkansas, and Carol A. Fierke, provost and professor of chemistry at Texas A&M University.

In Memoriam: Ann Snitow, 1943-2019

In Memoriam: Ann Snitow, 1943-2019

In 1972, Ann Snitow, co-founded the gender studies program at Rutgers University in New Jersey. She also twice founded gender studies programs at The New School in New York City, where she taught for 30 years.

In Memoriam: Erin Stewart Lindquist, 1975-2019

In Memoriam: Erin Stewart Lindquist, 1975-2019

Dr. Erin Lindquist first joined the faculty Meredith College in Raleigh, North Carolina, in 2006. She taught courses on biology and environmental sustainability.

In Memoriam: Chloe A. Wofford Morrison, 1931-2019

In Memoriam: Chloe A. Wofford Morrison, 1931-2019

Toni Morrison was a giant of American literature and the Robert F. Goheen Professor in the Humanities Emeritus at Princeton University in New Jersey. In 1993, Professor Morrison was the first African American to be awarded the Nobel Prize in literature.

Martha Haynes Wins the Catherine Wolfe Bruce Gold Medal From the Astronomical Society of the Pacific

Martha Haynes Wins the Catherine Wolfe Bruce Gold Medal From the Astronomical Society of the Pacific

The Catherine Wolfe Bruce Gold Medal is presented annually by the Astronomical Society of the Pacific to an astronomer in recognition of a lifetime of outstanding achievement and contributions to astrophysics research.

Small Class Size Plays a Major Role in Women's Retention Rate in STEM Majors

Small Class Size Plays a Major Role in Women’s Retention Rate in STEM Majors

Using data obtained from 44 science courses across multiple institutions, the research team calculated that large classes begin to negatively impact women students’ participation when they reach enrollments over 120 students.

Cynthia Owsley Honored for Her 30-Year Career in Vision Impairment Research

Cynthia Owsley Honored for Her 30-Year Career in Vision Impairment Research

Cynthia Owsley, who holds the Nathan E. Miles Chair of Ophthalmology and is the director of the Clinical Research Unit of the department of ophthalmology and visual sciences at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, is being recognized by the nonprofit organization Prevent Blindness.

Elizabeth Adkins-Regan Wins Lifetime Achievement Award From the Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology

Elizabeth Adkins-Regan Wins Lifetime Achievement Award From the Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology

Dr. Adkins-Regan joined the Cornell faculty as an assistant professor of psychology and of neurobiology and behavior in 1975. She retired and was conferred the title of professor emerita in 2018. As a researcher, Dr. Adkins-Regan focuses on the neuroendocrine basis of social behavior.

Suzanne Walsh Will Be the Next President of Bennett College in Greensboro, North Carolina

Suzanne Walsh Will Be the Next President of Bennett College in Greensboro, North Carolina

Currently, Walsh serves as the founder and manager of Discerning SEWlutions, a consulting firm in Seattle. Earlier in her career she held various leadership roles with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Lumina Foundation for Education, the Heinz Endowments, and Cuyahoga Community College.

Adding Inclusive Message to Marketing Materials Can Increase Women's Participation in Online STEM Courses

Adding Inclusive Message to Marketing Materials Can Increase Women’s Participation in Online STEM Courses

Researchers from Cornell University and Stanford University found that adding a photo of women and an inclusivity statement to a Facebook ad for a computer science course increased the number of women who clicked on the ad by 26 percent.

New Assignments in Higher Education for Nine Women Faculty Members

New Assignments in Higher Education for Nine Women Faculty Members

Here is this week’s listing of women faculty members from colleges and universities throughout the United States who have been appointed to new positions or have been assigned new duties.