All Entries Tagged With: "College at Brockport"

Nancy Kusmaul Recognized for Outstanding Academic Contributions to Social Work and Policy
With a background in professional social work and academia, Dr. Kusmaul has conducted extensive research into nursing home social work and the rights of older adults and professional caregivers.

University of New Mexico Scholar Honored for Her Mentoring of Doctoral Students
For 12 years Dr. Allison Borden supervised the dissertation research of 24 graduates in educational leadership at the University of New Mexico. She also serves on the dissertation committees of an additional 25 graduates from educational leadership and other programs in the College of Education.

State University of New York Chooses Women to Lead Two of Its Campuses
The board of trustees of the State University of New York has named Heidi Macpherson as president of the College of Brockport and Kristine M. Young as president of Orange County Community College in Middletown, New York.

Three Women Will Become Provosts This Summer
Mary Ellen Zuckerman was named provost at the College of Brockport in New York. Jennifer K. Ward will be the new provost at Centenary College in Shreveport, Louisiana, and Anne Skleder was named provost at Wilkes University in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania.