All Entries Tagged With: "California Lutheran University"

New Administrative Positions for Eight Women at Colleges and Universities
Here is this week’s roundup of women who have been appointed to new administrative positions at colleges and universities throughout the United States.

Lori Varlotta Will Be the First Woman to Lead California Lutheran University in Thousand Oaks
Dr. Varlotta comes to Cal Lutheran having served as president of Hiram College in Ohio since 2014. Earlier, she spent 11 years at Sacramento State University, ultimately serving as senior vice president of planning, enrollment management, and student affairs.

New Administrative Posts for Eight Women at Colleges and Universities
Here is this week’s roundup of women who have been appointed to new administrative positions at colleges and universities throughout the United States.

Four Women Stepping Down From Their University Positions
Retiring or moving on to new ventures are Liz Cariaga-Lo at Brown University, Jean Hampton at Texas Southern University, Karen Renick at California Lutheran University and Branwen Smith-King at Tufts University.

Promotions for Five Women Faculty Members at California Lutheran University
Sheridan Wigginton in Spanish and Christine Sellin in art were promoted to full professor. Louise Kelley in exercise science, Maureen Lorimer in education, and Jean Sandlin in communication were promoted to associate professor.

New Faculty Posts for Six Women Scholars
The appointees are Trudy Tuttle Arriaga at California Lutheran University, Kathy S. Northern at Ohio State University, Laura P. Sands at Virginia Tech, Kelly Shannon at the University of Southern California, Katherine Sullivan at Berkeley College, and Lenore A. Grenoble at the University of Chicago.

Eight Women in New Higher Education Teaching Roles
Taking on new assignments are Haco Hoang at California Luthern, Lisette Waits at the University of Idaho, Jacqueline Wemimont at Arizona State, Kelly Shannon and Laura Mosqueda at USC, Janice Herbert-Carter at Morehouse, Celia Lo at Texas Woman’s University, Heather Quagliana at Lee University.