All Entries Tagged With: "Boston University"

A Half Dozen Women Who Have Been Appointed to University Administration Positions
Here is this week’s roundup of women who have been appointed to new administrative positions at colleges and universities throughout the United States.

Boston University Professor Emelia Benjamin Earns Two Awards From the American Heart Association
Emelia Benjamin, professor of medicine and epidemiology at Boston University. also serves as assistant provost for faculty development for the Boston University Medical Campus, and as vice chair for faculty development and diversity for the department of medicine.

Three Women Scholars Announce They Will Step Down From Dean Positions at the End of the Academic Year
Betty Kirby, dean of the College of Education and Human Services at Central Michigan University, Margaret Raymond, dean of the law school at the University of Wisconsin, and Mary Elizabeth Moore, dean of the School of Theology at Boston University, have announced they will will step down this coming summer.

Berenecea Johnson Eanes Is the New Leader of York College of the City University of New York
Dr. Eanes has been serving as vice president for the Division of Student Affairs at California State University, Fullerton. She has been on the staff at CalState, Fullerton for the past seven years.

A Dozen Women Scholars Who Will Be Taking on New Assignments in Higher Education
Here is this week’s listing of women faculty members from colleges and universities throughout the United States who have been appointed to new positions or have been assigned new duties.

Colleges and Universities Across the Nation Announce the Appointment of Women to Administrative Posts
Here is this week’s roundup of women who have been appointed to new administrative positions at colleges and universities throughout the United States.

In Memoriam: Adelaide Cromwell, 1919-2019
Dr. Cromwell first joined the Boston University faculty in 1951. Two years later, she co-founded the university’s African Studies Center. In 1969, she founded the university’s African American studies program, the country’s second such program and the first to offer a graduate degree in the subject.

In Memoriam: Olivia Cousins, 1948-2019
Olivia Cousins was a feminist scholar, historian, and long-time faculty member at the Borough of Manhattan Community College of the City University of New York. She served on the faculty there for more than 30 years.

Seven Women Scholars Who Have Been Appointed to Positions as Deans
The new deans are Lesley Lokko at City College of New York, Angela Kashuba at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Susan Beth Estes at the University of Arkansas-Little Rock, Mariette DiChristina at Boston University, Robin L. Hughes at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Melissa Sturge-Apple at the University of Rochester, and Sue Day Perroots at West Virginia University.

The First Woman to Lead the U.S. Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island
Rear Adminral Shoshana Chatfield served as a helicopter pilot in the Western Pacific, Afghanistan, and the Arabian Gulf. From 2001 to 2004, Dr. Chatfield was an assistant professor of political science at the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs. Most recently, she was commander of U.S. Naval Forces in the Mariana Islands in the northern Pacific Ocean.

In Memoriam: Patricia Telles-Irvin, 1955-2019
Patricia Telles-Irvin was vice president for student affairs at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois. Before coming to Northwestern in 2011, Dr. Telles-Irvin served as vice president for student affairs at the University of Florida for seven years. Earlier in her career, she served in various roles at Florida International University.

In Memoriam: Barbara “Bobbi” Lee Harris, 1939-2019
Barbara “Bobbi” Lee Harris was professor emerita of nursing at Syracuse University in New York. Dr. Harris served on the faculty at Syracuse University for 33 years before retiring in 1998. She died on her 80th birthday.

Seven Women Scholars Taking on New Faculty Roles in Higher Education
The seven scholars taking on new roles are: Misty G. Anderson at the University of Tennessee, Ann McKee at Boston University, Anne Applebaum at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Meg Meloy at Pennsylvania State University, Ann Setzer at DePaul University in Chicago, Jacqueline Z. Bergman at Appalachian State University in North Carolina, and Julie Trivitt at the University of Arkansas.

Nancy Williams Elected President of the American Kinesiology Association
Dr. Williams currently serves as a professor and head of the department of kinesiology at Pennsylvania State University. She first joined the Penn State faculty as an assistant professor in 1997. She was promoted to associate professor in 2003, full professor in 2009, and department head in 2012.

Four Women Who Are Retiring From High-Level University Positions
The four women who are stepping down from their posts are Kathy Rose-Mockry at the University of Kansas, Nicole Prudent at the Boston University School of Medicine, Jeanne Horrigan at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst and Nancy Hargrave Meislahn at Wesleyan University in Connecticut.

Women Nearly 40 Percent of New Members of National Academy of Medicine
A WIAReport analysis of the list of the 75 members of the latest cohort elected into the National Academy of Medicine finds that 29, or 39 percent, are women. Just two years ago, women were just 30 percent of the new members.

Boston University’s Sigrid Nunez Wins 2018 National Book Award for Fiction
Sigrid Nunez, a lecturer in the creative writing program at Boston University, has won the 2018 National Book Foundation’s National Book Award for fiction. Her novel The Friend tells the story of a woman who loses a lifelong friend and mentor to suicide and now has to look after her late friend’s dog.

Four Women Who Are Stepping Down From High-Level Posts at Universities
Leaving their posts are Dorrie K. Fontaine, dean of nursing at the University of Virginia, Elizabeth Grabau a professor of plant pathology at Virginia Tech, Barbara Laverdiere, director of dining services at Boston University, and Ranjanaa Devi, director of the Asian Arts and Culture program at University of Massachusetts at Amherst.

Nonprofit Partners With Six Universities to Address Gender Inequality in Artificial Intelligence
This summer, Boston University hosted AI-4-ALL, a program designed to promote greater gender diversity and inclusion in the overwhelmingly male artificial intelligence field. Also partnering with the organization are Stanford University, Princeton University, University of California, Berkley, Carnegie Mellon University, and Simon Fraser University in Canada.

Boston University’s Ann McKee Receives Lifetime Achievement Award for Her Research on CTE
Dr. McKee received the Lifetime Achievement Award at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference for establishing the criteria for diagnosing chronic traumatic encephalopathy, a degenerative disease experienced by many athletes who have had repeated hits to the head.

Ann E. Cudd Selected to Be the Next Provost at the University of Pittsburgh
Since 2015, Dr. Cudd has served as dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at Boston University. Earlier, she was vice provost and dean of undergraduate studies at the University of Kansas. Dr. Cudd came to the University of Kansas in 1988 and was named a Distinguished Professor of Philosophy in 2012.

Four Women Scholars Announce Their Retirements
The women stepping down from their university posts are Sherryl Byrd at Austin Peay State University in Tennessee, Nancy Ammerman at Boston University, Ann Connor at Emory University in Atlanta, and Marion Ehrich at the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine.

In Memoriam: Meredith Bragg Raymond, 1918-2018
Dr. Raymond joined the faculty at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst in 1964 as a lecturer in the English department, specializing in Victorian literature. She was named an assistant professor two years later and was promoted to associate professor in 1970 and to full professor in 1986.

Columbia University Scholar Appointed President of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Elizabeth Alexander, a professor at Columbia University who was selected to write a poem and read it at President Obama’s first inauguration in 2009, has been appointed president of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation in New York.

In Memoriam: Grace Victoria Edmondson Harris, 1933-2018
Dr. Harris was the first African American women to serve as a chief academic officer at a four-year public university in Virginia. She served on the faculty at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond for 48 years.

In Memoriam: Lillian Rachel Goodman, 1923-2018
Lillian Goodman was a professor and dean of the Graduate School of Nursing at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. She also founded the Department of Nursing at what is now Worcester State University in Massachusetts. That nursing department is now named in Dr. Goodman’s honor.

Sexual Harassment Survey of Attendees of American Association of Political Science Conventions
The results showed that 51 percent of the women respondents reported that they had not been subjected to any form of harassment or condescending behavior at an annual meeting. But this means that nearly half of all respondents had a negative experience.

Jane Milley to Lead the Parkersburg Campus of West Virginia University
Dr. Milley has more than 40 years of experience in higher education. Most recently, she served as interim senior vice president for academic affairs at West Virginia University Parkersburg.

New Administrative Positions for Eight Women at Colleges and Universities
Here is this week’s roundup of women who have been appointed to new administrative positions at colleges and universities throughout the United States.

Wheelock College to Merge With Boston University Next June
Wheelock College in Boston, facing declining enrollments and a budget shortfall, has agreed to merge with Boston University. Women make up 82 percent of all undergraduate students at the college. As a result of the merger, the university will create the Wheelock College of Education & Human Development.

In Memoriam: Susan Klem Jackson
Dr. Susan Jackson began teaching at Boston University in 1982 as a lecturer in French. At the time of her death, she was an associate professor of French and assistant provost for general education at the university.

Lynne Rosansky Is Serving as Provost at Bentley University in Waltham, Massachusetts
Dr. Rosansky has served as founding president of the Hult International Business School in Cambridge, Massachusetts, dean of the University of New Haven College of Business, provost at the State University of New York’s Levin Institute, and interim provost at Franklin Pierce University in New Hampshire.

Study Identifies Risk Factors for Sexual Abuse of Early Maturing Girls
A new study by scholars at the University of Pennsylvania and Boston University find that early maturing girls are more likely to be abused if their friend group contains a large number of boys.

Jhumpa Lahiri Wins Award for Her Body of Work in Short Story Writing
Jhumpa Lahiri, professor of creative writing at Princeton University in New Jersey, has been selected to receive the 2017 PEN/Malamud Award for Excellence in the Short Story from the PEN/Faulkner Foundation.

Laura Freid Chosen as the Next President of the Maine College of Art
Dr. Freid has been serving as the CEO and executive director of The Silk Road Project, a global cultural arts organization based at Harvard University. She has held high-level executive posts in communications and public affairs at both Harvard University and Brown University.