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New Dean Appointments for Eight Women in Higher Education

New Dean Appointments for Eight Women in Higher Education

Here is this week’s roundup of women who have been appointed to new dean positions at colleges and universities throughout the United States. If you have news for our appointments section, please email the information to

Five Women Scholars Taking on New Faculty Positions

Five Women Scholars Taking on New Faculty Positions

The five women in new faculty roles are Jennie Bradbury at Bryn Mawr College in Pennsylvania, Siobahn Day Grady at North Carolina Central University, Amber Wutich at Arizona State University, Danielle Cover at the University of Wyoming, and Pamlea Brady at Talladega College in Alabama.

Six Women Selected for Dean Appointments at Universities

Six Women Selected for Dean Appointments at Universities

The new deans are Holly Mercer at the University of Maryland, Holly Lisanby at Arizona State University, Rene Love at Old Dominion University in Virginia, Kelley Bolden Bailey at Florida A&M University, Ayanna Thomas at Tufts University in Massachusetts, and Susan Stone at the University of California, Berkeley.

Elizabeth Cantwell Named First Woman President of Washington State University

Elizabeth Cantwell Named First Woman President of Washington State University

Dr. Cantwell currently serves as president of Utah State University. Her background includes extensive leadership experience overseeing research initiatives in academia and U.S. national security.

Sara Brownell Recognized for Outstanding Research on Undergraduate STEM Education

Sara Brownell Recognized for Outstanding Research on Undergraduate STEM Education

Dr. Brownell currently serves as a President’s Professor in the School of Life Sciences and founding director of the Research for Inclusive STEM Education Center at Arizona State University, where she researches inclusivity in undergraduate STEM environments.

Newly Discovered Mineral Named for Virginia Tech Professor Nancy Ross

Newly Discovered Mineral Named for Virginia Tech Professor Nancy Ross

A newly discovered mineral has been named Nancyrossite, in honor of Dr. Nancy Ross’ impact in the field of geoscience. She has taught at Virginia Tech for over two decades.

Anne Chin Recognized for Distinguished Career in Geomorphology

Anne Chin Recognized for Distinguished Career in Geomorphology

In her work as a geographer, Dr. Chin focuses her research on human interactions with geomorphological and ecological processes in river landscapes. She currently serves as chair of the department of geography at Florida State University.

National Press Photographers Association Presents Its Highest Honor to Julie Jones

National Press Photographers Association Presents Its Highest Honor to Julie Jones

Julie Jones has been recognized by the National Press Photographers Association for her lifetime achievements in photojournalism. Dr. Jones currently serves as a lecturer at the University of Oklahoma.

Four Women Appointed to University Dean Positions

Four Women Appointed to University Dean Positions

The new deans are Carolyn Smith at Baylor College of Medicine, Erika Randall at the University of Colorado Boulder, Renée Cheng at Arizona State University, and Sally Mudiamu at Montana State University.

In Memoriam: Kristin Bervig Valentine, 1933-2024

In Memoriam: Kristin Bervig Valentine, 1933-2024

For nearly three decades, Dr. Valentine served as a professor of communication and women’s studies at Arizona State University. Her academic interests centered around performance studies.

Alanka Brown Appointed CEO of Arizona State University's California College

Alanka Brown Appointed CEO of Arizona State University’s California College

“I look forward to fostering a culture where students, faculty and staff can thrive academically, personally and professionally as their best selves,” said Dr. Alanka Brown, newly appointed CEO and dean of Arizona State University’s California College.

Arizona State Alumna Halla Tómasdóttir Sworn In as President of Iceland

Arizona State Alumna Halla Tómasdóttir Sworn In as President of Iceland

President Tómasdóttirr is a founder of Reykjavik University in Iceland, where she served as director of executive education and founder of the women’s entrepreneurship program. She is an alumna of Arizona State’s MBA program in international management.

Arizona State University Adds Four Women Faculty Members to Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions

Arizona State University Adds Four Women Faculty Members to Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions

Bailey Borman, Roni Fraser, Sun-Kyung Lee, and Alexandria Pech have joined the Arizona State University faculty as assistant professors in the Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions

Emily Cutrer to Lead Sonoma State University in California

Emily Cutrer to Lead Sonoma State University in California

Dr. Cutrer’s new appointment marks a return to the California State University System, where she previously served as provost of California State University, San Marcos. Most recently, she served as president of Texas A&M University-Texarkana.

New Faculty Appointments for Seven Women Professors

New Faculty Appointments for Seven Women Professors

Here is this week’s roundup of women who have been appointed to new faculty positions at colleges and universities throughout the United States. If you have news for our appointments section, please email the information to

New Faculty Appointments for Twelve Women Scholars

New Faculty Appointments for Twelve Women Scholars

Here is this week’s roundup of women who have been appointed to new faculty positions at colleges and universities throughout the United States. If you have news for our appointments section, please email the information to

New Faculty Positions for a Dozen Women in Higher Education

New Faculty Positions for a Dozen Women in Higher Education

Here is this week’s roundup of women who have been appointed to new faculty positions at colleges and universities throughout the United States. If you have news for our appointments section, please email the information to

University of La Verne President Pardis Mahdavi Abruptly Resigns After Ten Months

University of La Verne President Pardis Mahdavi Abruptly Resigns After Ten Months

On June 7, Dr. Pardis Mahdavi announced her immediate resignation as president of the University of La Verne in California, after holding the position for less than a year. She was the second woman to serve in the role.

Arizona State University's Malena Español Recognized for Outstanding Teaching in Mathematics

Arizona State University’s Malena Español Recognized for Outstanding Teaching in Mathematics

Dr. Español was honored for her outstanding scholarship and teaching influence at higher education institutions in the United States and Argentina. She currently serves as an assistant professor at Arizona State University.

American Association of Colleges of Nursing Honors Leesha Simons for Excellence in Clinical Teaching

American Association of Colleges of Nursing Honors Leesha Simons for Excellence in Clinical Teaching

Leesha Simons is the assistant director of simulation and lab skills at Joyce University of Nursing and Health Sciences, where she has taught for the past two years. She previously served as a clinical educator at St. Marks Hospital in Utah.

University Study Finds Women Prison Inmates More Likely Than Men to Be Punished for Minor Infractions

University Study Finds Women Prison Inmates More Likely Than Men to Be Punished for Minor Infractions

A new study led by Melinda Tasca, an associate professor in the department of criminal justice and security studies at the University of Texas at El Paso, reveals women were 40 percent more likely to receive a defiance infraction and accrue them at a greater rate than males. Defiance acts are the most minor of rule violations and are often verbal in nature, including disrespect, being disruptive, or disobeying an order.

Lekelia Jenkins Named a Fellow of the International Science Council

Lekelia Jenkins Named a Fellow of the International Science Council

Lekelia Jenkins, an associate professor in the School for the Future of Innovation in Society at Arizona State University, has been named a fellow of the International Science Council, the highest honor that can be conferred on an individual by the council.

Beth Huebner Honored by the American Society of Criminology

Beth Huebner Honored by the American Society of Criminology

Beth Huebner is the Watts Endowed Professor of Public Safety and director of Arizona State University’s School of Criminology and Criminal Justice. She was honored for distinguished scholarship in the area of corrections and/or sentencing over a lifetime.

Vanderbilt University's Bridget Rogers Elected to Lead the American Vacuum Society

Vanderbilt University’s Bridget Rogers Elected to Lead the American Vacuum Society

The American Vacuum Society is comprised of approximately 4,500 members and supports networking and camaraderie among academic, industrial, government, and consulting professionals involved in emerging interdisciplinary research related to materials, interfaces, and processing.

Robin Nelson Wins the Sussman Award From the American Association for the Advancement of Science

Robin Nelson Wins the Sussman Award From the American Association for the Advancement of Science

Robin Nelson, an associate professor in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University, is being recognized for “her outstanding contributions to understanding human relationships and their evolutionary impact.”

Michelene Chi of Arizona State University Wins the 2023 Yidan Prize for Education Research

Michelene Chi of Arizona State University Wins the 2023 Yidan Prize for Education Research

Dr. Chi, a Regents Professor and the Dorothy Bray Endowed Professor of Science and Teaching in the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College at Arizona State University, will receive the award in a special ceremony in December in Hong Kong, where she will receive a gold medal and a $3.8 million award to fund her research.

Judy Krysik Honored by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Judy Krysik Honored by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Dr. Krysik, an associate professor in the School of Social Work at Arizona State University received the Children’s Bureau Champions Award for Promoting Child and Family Well-Being. Dr. Krysik created the Center for Child Well-Being at Arizona State University in 2015 and has been evaluating programs that support communities and families to create stable and nurturing environments for children.

Universities Announce the Hiring of Seven Women to High-Level Administrative Posts

Universities Announce the Hiring of Seven Women to High-Level Administrative Posts

Here is this week’s roundup of women who have been appointed to new administrative positions at colleges and universities throughout the United States. If you have news for our appointments section, please email the information to

Nine Women Faculty Members Who Are Taking on New Duties

Nine Women Faculty Members Who Are Taking on New Duties

Here is this week’s roundup of women faculty members who have been appointed to new positions or given new duties at colleges and universities throughout the United States. If you have news for our appointments section, please email the information to

Aditi Chattopadhyay to Receive an Award From the American Society of Mechanical Engineers

Aditi Chattopadhyay to Receive an Award From the American Society of Mechanical Engineers

Dr. Chattopadhyay’s research includes work for the U.S. military, NASA, and the U.S. Department of Energy. It focuses on multiscale modeling, structural health monitoring, and damage prognosis as well as developing sensing systems, autonomous materials capable of performing complex functions in response to changes in the environment, and composite materials that can withstand high temperatures.

Elizabeth “Betsy” R. Cantwell Appointed President of Utah State University

Elizabeth “Betsy” R. Cantwell Appointed President of Utah State University

Dr. Cantwell is currently senior vice president for research & innovation at the University of Arizona. Earlier, she was a professor of aerospace engineering at Arizona State University and vice president for research development and CEO of the Arizona State University Research Enterprise.

Nine Women Who Have Been Appointed to Administrative Posts at Colleges and Universities

Nine Women Who Have Been Appointed to Administrative Posts at Colleges and Universities

Here is this week’s roundup of women who have been appointed to new administrative positions at colleges and universities throughout the United States. If you have news for our appointments section, please email the information to

Chatham University in Pittsburgh Names Rhonda Phillips as Its Twentieth President

Chatham University in Pittsburgh Names Rhonda Phillips as Its Twentieth President

Dr. Phillips has been serving as dean of the Honors College at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana. Earlier, she was associate dean for the Honors College, at Arizona State University, where she also served as professor and director of the School of Community Resources and Development.

Safa Zaki Will Be the First Women to Lead Bowdoin College Since Its Founding in 1794

Safa Zaki Will Be the First Women to Lead Bowdoin College Since Its Founding in 1794

Currently, Dr. Zaki is dean of the faculty and the John B. McCoy and John T. McCoy Professor of Psychology at Williams College in Williamstown, Massachusetts. She joined the faculty at Williams in 2002 as an assistant professor of psychology and was promoted to associate professor in 2005 and to full professor in 2010.

Ten Women With Current Ties to Academia Named MacArthur Fellows

Ten Women With Current Ties to Academia Named MacArthur Fellows

The Chicago-based MacArthur Foundation has announced the selection of 20 individuals in this year’s class of MacArthur Fellows. Ten women academics are among the 20 new MacArthur Fellows.