Search Results for 'what'

Scholarly Study Examines Gender Differences in Language Use on Twitter

Scholarly Study Examines Gender Differences in Language Use on Twitter

The researchers examined more than 9 million tweets in the English language. By examining user names they were able to assign gender designations with an accuracy rate of 88 percent.

University of Chicago Defends Its Efforts to Increase Women in STEM Fields

University of Chicago Defends Its Efforts to Increase Women in STEM Fields

After a faculty member insults the women at a neuroscience conference, the university reiterates its commitment to advance opportunities for women in STEM fields.

Seven Academic Women Win MacArthur Foundation "Genius Awards"

Seven Academic Women Win MacArthur Foundation “Genius Awards”

This year, 10 of the 23 MacArthur Fellows are women. Several have affiliations with higher education.

Study Examines Genetic Factors That May Contribute to Women's Eating Disorders

Study Examines Genetic Factors That May Contribute to Women’s Eating Disorders

The study of 300 twins found that genetics may explain why some women succumb to societal pressures to be obsessed with being thin.

University of Iowa Launches Online Newsletter on Women's Health

University of Iowa Launches Online Newsletter on Women’s Health

The newsletter offers informative articles on health related issues and contains a regular feature where women can ask questions and receive answers from professional healthcare providers.

Study Finds Babies Begin to Classify Faces by Gender at an Early Age

Study Finds Babies Begin to Classify Faces by Gender at an Early Age

The researchers initially hypothesized that babies would show a preference for female faces but the results showed that this was true only for babies whose primary caregiver was a women.

Breastfeeding Professor Ignites Debate at American University

Breastfeeding Professor Ignites Debate at American University

Some students objected when Adrienne Pine, a single mother and an assistant professor of anthropology, brought her sick baby to class and breastfed the child while continuing to lecture. Professor Pine wonders what all the fuss is about.

Women With Higher Education Ties Named State Poet and State Author in New York

Women With Higher Education Ties Named State Poet and State Author in New York

Marie Howe teaches at Sarah Lawrence College and Alison Laurie taught at Cornell University for 30 years.

University of Kansas Requiring the Campus Community to Take an Online Tutorial on Sexual Abuse

University of Kansas Requiring the Campus Community to Take an Online Tutorial on Sexual Abuse

All members of the campus community have been given one month to complete a required online tutorial.

Four Women Named to Endowed Chairs at the University of Chicago

Four Women Named to Endowed Chairs at the University of Chicago

Holly J. Humphrey, Frances Ferguson, Kathleen D. Morrison, and Ayelet Fishbach are among 13 faculty members appointed to named professorships.

William Peace University Matriculates Its First Male Full-Time Students

William Peace University Matriculates Its First Male Full-Time Students

Men make up about one third of the students in this year’s entering class at what was previously called Peace College.

Babies of Overweight Mothers Develop More Slowly Than Other Babies, According to University of Iowa Study

Babies of Overweight Mothers Develop More Slowly Than Other Babies, According to University of Iowa Study

The study found that babies of overweight mothers gained less fat mass, widely considered important to brain growth and development.

University of Kansas Professor to Edit New Journal

University of Kansas Professor to Edit New Journal

Jennifer Hamer, professor of American studies at the University of Kansas, was named editor of Women, Gender, and Families of Color.

Ohio State Study Examines the Spark That Results in Domestic Violence

Ohio State Study Examines the Spark That Results in Domestic Violence

Monitored telephone calls between the victim and the abuser found that domestic violence most often occurred after accusations of infidelity were made by one or both partners.

Retention of Women in STEM Fields: Role Models May Not Be an Important Factor

Retention of Women in STEM Fields: Role Models May Not Be an Important Factor

Research by Amanda L. Griffith of Wake Forest University finds that female role models in faculty posts appear to have no direct impact on course taking or degree pursuits.

Professor Seeks to Prevent Eating Disorders Among Young Girls

Professor Seeks to Prevent Eating Disorders Among Young Girls

Marisol Perez’s research hopes to develop a program that will promote a healthy body image among very young girls, at an age before eating disorder behavior typically begins.

Temple Researcher Aims to Determine If Sleep Deprivation Impacts Post-Partum Weight Gain

Temple Researcher Aims to Determine If Sleep Deprivation Impacts Post-Partum Weight Gain

Sharon Herring, an assistant professor of medicine at Temple University, is conducting research funded by the Doris Duke Foundation.

In Memoriam: Sally Kristen Ride, 1951-2012

In Memoriam: Sally Kristen Ride, 1951-2012

She was the first American woman to fly in space, a university professor, and a strong advocate for supporting women’s education in STEM disciplines.

Online Articles That May Be of Interest to WIAReport Readers

From time to time, Women in Academia Report will provide links to online articles that may be of interest to our readers. Here are this week’s selections.

University of North Carolina Study Shows Eating Disorders Are Common Among Older Women

University of North Carolina Study Shows Eating Disorders Are Common Among Older Women

Some 3.5 percent of older women reported binge eating and 8 percent reported purging themselves after eating. More than 7 percent said they used diet pills.

Online Articles That May Be of Interest to WIA<em>Report</em> Readers

Online Articles That May Be of Interest to WIAReport Readers

From time to time, Women in Academia Report will provide links to online articles that may be of interest to our readers. Here are this week’s selections.

New Grants or Gifts Relating to Women in Higher Education

New Grants or Gifts Relating to Women in Higher Education

Here is this week’s news of grants and gifts that may be of particular interest to women in higher education.

Online Articles That May Be of Interest to WIAReport Readers

From time to time, Women in Academia Report will provide links to online articles that may be of interest to our readers. Here are this week’s selections.

Honorary Degrees Awarded to Women in 2012 at the Nation's Highest-Ranked Universities

Honorary Degrees Awarded to Women in 2012 at the Nation’s Highest-Ranked Universities

This spring the nation’s leading universities awarded 47 honorary degrees to women.

How Education Impacts the Earnings of Young Women

How Education Impacts the Earnings of Young Women

As expected, young women who move up the educational ladder improve their earnings but the gender gap with men widens for those with more education.

Carnegie Mellon Professor Creates Film Aimed at Reducing Risky Sexual Behavior Among Young Women

Carnegie Mellon Professor Creates Film Aimed at Reducing Risky Sexual Behavior Among Young Women

A follow up study will take place to determine if young women who view film will have fewer unplanned pregnancies and lower rates of sexually transmitted disease than young women who did not view the film.

Television Viewing Can Negatively Impact Girls' Self-Esteem

Television Viewing Can Negatively Impact Girls’ Self-Esteem

The results found that for Black and White girls and young Black males, their self esteem was lower the more they watched television. But for White males who watched a lot of television, their self-esteem increased.

University Study Finds Exercise Alone May Not Prevent Obesity for Adolescent Girls

University Study Finds Exercise Alone May Not Prevent Obesity for Adolescent Girls

The study by scholars at two British universities finds that exercise works better in warding off obesity for White girls than it does for African American girls.

Online Articles That May Be of Interest to WIAReport Readers

From time to time, Women in Academia Report will provide links to online articles that may be of interest to our readers. Here are this week’s selections.

Online Articles That May Be of Interest to WIAReport Readers

From time to time, Women in Academia Report will provide links to online articles that may be of interest to our readers. Here are this week’s selections.

University of Chicago's Martha Nussbaum to Be Honored by Prince Felipe of Spain

University of Chicago’s Martha Nussbaum to Be Honored by Prince Felipe of Spain

The Prince of Asturias Award for Social Sciences, which includes a a cash prize of 50,000 euros, is given to scholars whose work “constitutes a significant contribution to the benefit of Mankind.”

University Study Finds Women Face Bias in Attracting Investment Dollars

University Study Finds Women Face Bias in Attracting Investment Dollars

All of the financial data given MBA students was the same, only the gender of the executives involved in the company issuing the proposed IPO was different.

New Study Will Examine Methods to Improve the Health and Well-Being of College Women Athletes

New Study Will Examine Methods to Improve the Health and Well-Being of College Women Athletes

The study will involve 500 women college athletes at Louisiana State University, American University in Washington, D.C., and Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas.

Boston University to Open New Crisis Center on Rape and Sexual Assault Counseling and Prevention

Boston University to Open New Crisis Center on Rape and Sexual Assault Counseling and Prevention

Several incidents of sexual assault have occurred on or near the university campus this past academic year.

Most College-Age Women Get No Information on Breast Cancer From Their Mothers

Most College-Age Women Get No Information on Breast Cancer From Their Mothers

A survey conducted at New Mexico State University found that only one third of college-aged women receive advice from their mothers on breast cancer awareness and detection.