All Entries in the "Enrollments" Category
Women Hold Huge Edge in Enrollments at Most Campuses of the Indiana University System
Women are more than 60 percent of the students at four of eight campuses.
Lehigh University Celebrates 40 Years of Coeducation
Women graduate students were first enrolled at Lehigh in 1918. But it was 1971 before women were admitted to undergraduate programs.
Record Number of Women in Entering Class at Georgia Tech
There are more than 1,000 women in the entering class, a new record for the university.
Program for Women Scientists at the University of Nevada Enrolls Its Largest Class to Date
WISE program celebrates its fifth anniversary with its largest incoming class.
Enrollments Hold Steady at Brenau University’s Women’s College
The plan for the Women’s College is to cap enrollment at 900 and to become more selective.
The Gender Gap in Dental Schools Has a Major Racial Component
For whites, men still lead the way. But for minority groups there are more women in dental schools.
Women in China Nearing Equality in Higher Education Enrollments
Women now make up close to half of all undergraduate and graduate students in China.
In India, Women Are Making Progress in Higher Education Enrollments
Over the past decade there has been a 4.6 percentage point increase in the percentage of women among total enrollments.
A Check Up of Gender Diversity at U.S. Dental Schools
By a large margin, Harvard has the highest percentage of women among its dental students.
Gender Gap Narrows in Scottish Higher Education
In Scotland, women still outnumber men in college enrollments but the gap has grown smaller in recent years.
A Record Number of Incoming Women MBA Students at Wharton
Women will make up 45 percent of this year’s entering class.
Full-Time Enrollments in Higher Education: Women Outnumber Men in 47 of the 50 States
Arizona and Mississippi have the highest percentage of women among total enrollments in higher education.
The Huge Gender Gap at the U.S. Service Academies
At the U.S. service academies, women do not make up even one third of the total enrollments.
The Gender Gap in Australian Higher Education
Australian women are more likely to enroll and less likely to drop out than Australian men.
New Scholarship Program for Low-Income Women at Pine Manor College
The college is offering $20,000 scholarships to 10 women this fall.
A Record Percentage of Women Among Incoming Students at Harvard Business School
Women will make up 39 percent of the incoming class, up from 36 percent a year ago.
Men Are a Majority of the Population in Age Brackets for Traditional College Students
But women make up 57 percent of all enrollments in higher education.
Ranking the Flagship State Universities on Their Enrollments of Women
Women make up 62 percent of the students at the University of South Dakota but only 45 percent at Penn State.
Ranking the Ivy League Schools on Their Enrollment of Women
Brown University has the highest percentage of women undergraduates.
Gender Gap in Graduate Enrollments at Princeton
This spring, only 38 percent of students admitted to Princeton’s graduate programs are women.
The Huge African-American Gender Gap in Graduate Enrollments
New data from the U.S. Department of Education shows that in 2009, there were 342,400 African Americans enrolled in graduate programs in the United States. There were 243,600 black women enrolled in graduate programs, compared to 90,500 black men.
A Historical Summary of Gender Differences in College Enrollment Rates
In 2009, 73.8 percent of women who graduated from high school enrolled in college within a year, the highest percentage in history.
A Snapshot of Women in U.S. Graduate Programs
In 2009 there were 1,688,369 women enrolled in graduate programs in American degree-granting institutions.
More than 11.6 Million Women Are Enrolled in Higher Education
A half century ago in 1961, women made up 37.6 percent of all students enrolled in degree-granting institutions of higher learning in the United States. In 2009, women made up 57.1 percent of total enrollments.
In Connecticut, Women Outpace Men in College Enrollments
The Connecticut Department of Education has released a new report on the college enrollment rates of students who graduated from public high schools in Connecticut in 2010. The data shows that 75 percent of women who graduated from high school enrolled in either a two-year or four-year college.
Women Make Up Majority of First-Year Students at Most Flagship State Universities
A survey conducted by the Scripps Howard Foundation found that 35 of the nation’s 50 flagship state universities had more female applicants in 2010 than male applicants.
Women Are Projected to Increase Their Share of Total Enrollments in American Higher Education
New data from the U.S. Department of Education estimates that by the year 2019 there will be 13,224,000 American women enrolled in higher education.