Recent Books of Interest to Women Scholars

Women in Academia Report regularly publishes a list of new books that may be of interest to our readers. The books included are on a wide variety of subjects and present many different points of view. The opinions expressed in these books do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial board of WIAReport. As an Amazon Associate, WIAReport will earn a fraction of revenue from qualifying purchases.

Here are the latest selections. Click on any of the titles for more information or to purchase through Amazon.

Debates Around Abortion in the Global North
by Fabienne Portier-Le Cocq

Creative Practice, Pleasure, and Black Feminist Thought

by Bettina Judd
(Northwestern University Press)

Feminist Approaches to Early Medieval English Studies
edited by Robin Norris et al.
(Amsterdam University Press)

Just Like Us:
Digital Debates on Feminism and Fame

by Caitlin E. Lawson
(Rutgers University Press)

Religion and Broken Solidarities:
Feminism, Race, and Transnationalism

edited by Atalia Omer and Joshua Lupo
(University of Notre Dame Press)

Virgin Territory:
Configuring Female Virginity in Early Christianity

by Julia Kelto Lillis
(University of California Press)

Women and Music in Ireland
edited by Jennifer O’Connor-Madsen et al.
(Boydell Press)

Women in Wildlife Science:
Building Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

edited by Carol L. Chambers and Kerry L. Nicholson
(Johns Hopkins University Press)

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