Recent Books of Interest to Women Scholars

Women in Academia Report regularly publishes a list of new books that may be of interest to our readers. The books included are on a wide variety of subjects and present many different points of view. The opinions expressed in these books do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial board of WIAReport. As an Amazon Associate, WIAReport will earn a fraction of revenue from qualifying purchases.

Here are the latest selections. Click on any of the titles for more information or to purchase through Amazon.

Activist Literacies:
Transnational Feminisms and Social Media Rhetorics

by Jennifer Nish
(University of South Carolina Press)

The Fiction of Margaret Atwood
by Fiona Tolan
(Bloomsbury Academic)

Gendered Perspectives on Preventing Violent Extremism
by Sam Andrews
(Bristol University Press)

Maria Edgeworth and Abolition:
Critiquing Character

by Robin Runia
(Palgrave Macmillan)

A Story of Feminist Revolution

by Yasmin El-Rifae

Socialist Feminism:
A New Approach

by Frieda Afary
(Pluto Press)

Women Holding Things
by Maira Kalman
(Harper Design)

Women, Work and Transport
edited by Tessa Wright et al.
(Emerald Publishing)

Filed Under: Books

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