Recent Books of Interest to Women Scholars
Posted on Feb 16, 2016 | Comments 0
Women in Academia Report regularly publishes a list of new books that may be of interest to our readers. The books included are on a wide variety of subjects and present many different points of view. The opinions expressed in these books do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial board of WIAReport.
Here are the latest selections. Click on any of the titles for more information or to purchase through
Contemporary Feminisms in Social Work Practice edited by Sarah Wendt and Nicole Moulding (Routledge) |
Food Security, Gender and Resilience: Improving Smallholder and Subsistence Farming edited by Leigh Brownhill et al. (Routledge) |
Gender and the Political Economy of Conflict in Africa: The Persistence of Violence by Meredith Tushen (Routledge) |
Jewish Radical Ultra-Orthodoxy Confronts Modernity, Zionism and Women’s Equality by Motti Inbari (Cambridge University Press) |
The Changing Voice of the Anti-Abortion Movement: The Rise of "Pro-Woman" Rhetoric in Canada and the United States by Paul Saurette and Kelly Gordon (University of Toronto Press) |
Filed Under: Books