University of Kentucky’s Sarah Lyon to Become Editor of Prestigious Anthropology Journal
Posted on Nov 27, 2013 | Comments 0
Sarah Lyon, associate professor of anthropology at the University of Kentucky, was named editor-designate of the journal Human Organization. She will become editor of the journal in January 2015 and serve a three-year term. The quarterly journal founded in 1941 is the flagship publication of the Society of Applied Anthropology.
Dr. Lyon joined the faculty at the University of Kentucky in 2005. In addition to anthropology, she holds appointments in the gender and women’s studies and Latin American studies programs. Dr. Lyon is the author of the prize-winning book, Coffee and Community: Maya Farmers and Fair Trade Markets (University of Colorado Press, 2005).
Dr. Lyon is a graduate of Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts, and earned a Ph.D. at Emory University in Atlanta.
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