In Memoriam: Joycelyn Nicole Wilson, 1975-2025

Joycelyn Wilson, senior instructor of mathematics at Spelman College, was found deceased in Lake Oconee in Georgia on February 9. Wilson and her fiance Gary Jones had been boating on the lake. An empty boat was found circling the lake with its engine running the previous day. A month later, Jones’ body was found in 45 feet of water.

Wilson, who was 49 years old, joined the faculty in the department of mathematics at Spelman College, a women’s educational institution in Atlanta, in 2007. Over the course of her 17-year-tenure with the college, Wilson led several programs and initiatives dedicated to supporting women of color pursue advanced degrees and careers in applied mathematics, statistics, and mathematics education. Prior to Spelman, she taught at Howard University and American University, both in Washington, D.C.

Professor Wilson held a bachelor’s degree and master’s degree from Clark Atlanta University and a second master’s degree from the University of Maryland.

Filed Under: In Memoriam


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