Mississippi University for Women Launches New Master’s Degree Program

The School of Education at Mississippi University for Women has announced a new master of education degree program in multiple exceptionalities.

Set to launch in fall 2025, the graduate program’s course of study will combine two embedded licensure curriculums in gifted studies and special education, providing teachers with the skills they need to support students who may have both a learning disorder and some degree of giftedness. According to scholars at the university, roughly 2 to 5 percent of children are dealing with multiple exceptionalities.

Teachers who enroll in the new graduate program will pursue licenses in both disciplines and participate in a research project that emphasizes the intersection of gifted studies and special needs.

“There are only a handful of programs like this in the country, and yet there is such a huge need for qualified educators who understand the overlapping nature of giftedness and special needs,” said Dr. Martin Hatton, dean of the School of Education. “This program is designed specifically to help educators understand how to help students apply their unique strengths to become stronger learners.”

Filed Under: Women's Colleges


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