Giulia Galli Wins the Joseph O. Hirschfelder Prize in Theoretical Chemistry

Giulia Galli, a professor at the University of Chicago, has been awarded the Joseph O. Hirschfelder Prize in Theoretical Chemistry. The annual award, presented by the Theoretical Chemistry Institute at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, recognizes exceptional contributions to the field of theoretical chemistry.

Dr. Galli has been a faculty member with the University of Chicago for over a decade. She currently holds the title of Liew Family Professor of Electronic Structure and Simulations in the Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering and the department of chemistry. Earlier in her career, she was a professor of chemistry and physics at the University of California, Davis.

In addition to her faculty position, Dr. Calli is a senior scientist with Argonne National laboratory, where she directs the Midwest Integrated Center or Computational Materials. As an expert in developing theoretical and computational methods on a molecular level, she focuses her research on solving problems related to sustainable energy sources and quantum technologies.

Dr. Galli holds a Ph.D. in physics from the International School of Advanced Studies in Trieste, Italy.

Filed Under: AwardsSTEM Fields


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