Online Shoppers Report Higher Satisfaction When Chatting With Opposite-Gender Customer Service Employees

A new report led by researchers at the University of Norte Dame in Indiana has found that online shoppers who interact with online customer service representatives behave differently depending on the gender of the employee.

The study reviewed seven months worth of data from an anonymous dietary and weight-management company’s online chat feature, which connects customers with a paid company employee who can answer questions and provide product information. The authors found that when the customer knew the employee’s gender, they were more likely to leave reviews and report higher rates of satisfaction than if the employee’s information was kept anonymous. This was particularly found when the employee was a woman. Additionally, the authors found customers were more likely to provide higher satisfaction ratings and engage with employees of the opposite gender.

The authors believe their findings suggest a greater need to understand the psychological and social factors that lead to this gender bias, as well as identify if any other biases, such as race, culture, or age, exist in customer-employee relationships.

Filed Under: Research/Study


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