Online Articles of Interest to WIAReport Readers

Each week, Women in Academia Report will provide links to online articles that may be of interest to our readers. The links presented direct the reader to articles from many different points of view that deal with issues of women in higher education. The articles selected do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial board of WIAReport.

We invite subscribers to e-mail us at with suggestions of articles for inclusion in this feature.

Exposing the Music Industry’s Gender Bias
Rome News-Tribune

Women Can Thrive in the Male-Dominated World of Science
Connecticut By The Numbers

Why Sex Bias in Labs Means Women Are the Losers in Research Into Ageing
The Guardian

University of Montana ‘Leans In’ to Gender Stereotypes to Attract Male Students
Public News Service

How Education For All Ages Will Bring More Women Into Tech
Women Love Tech

Why Do Some Women Justify Gender Inequity?

Judith Butler on the Authoritarian War on Gender

Community College Announces Welding Course Specifically for Women

New Brain Research Confirms That Gender Differences Are Hardwired
Institute for Family Studies

Researcher Explores How the Hostility Black Women Face in Higher Education Carries Dire Consequences

Kamala Harris and the Legacy of Black Women’s Leadership

The Identity Deficit Is the Cause of Engihneering’s Broken Female Pipeline
Times Higher Education

Filed Under: Articles of Interest

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