Online Articles of Interest to WIAReport Readers

Each week, Women in Academia Report will provide links to online articles that may be of interest to our readers. The links presented direct the reader to articles from many different points of view that deal with issues of women in higher education. The articles selected do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial board of WIAReport.

We invite subscribers to e-mail us at with suggestions of articles for inclusion in this feature.

Sweet Briar’s Community Strengthens the College Through Efforts in Fundraising and Participation
Sweet Briar College

Even as Women Outpace Men in Graduating From College, Their Earnings Remain Stuck
Albuquerque Journal

Western University Pauses Alice Munro Chair in Creativity Program Amid Reckoning
CityNews Halifax

Gender Parity for Women in the Workplace Could Take 134 Years to Achieve Worldwide

Controlling the Conduct of College Women in the 1960s
Psychology Today

Women Don’t Have Equal Access to College in Prison. Here’s Why.

Alcohol Use Significantly Associated With Mental IIlness Symptoms in College Women

Why Are Educated Women Leaving Church?

Black Women Crab Pickers Risked It All in 1938. Maryland Finally Recognizes Them.
Baltimore Banner

How Racialized Women Can Tackle Backlash When Advocating for Change
The Conversation

How Does Gender-Based Violence Occur in Higher Education Institutions?

Filed Under: Articles of Interest

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