Online Articles of Interest to WIAReport Readers

Each week, Women in Academia Report will provide links to online articles that may be of interest to our readers. The links presented direct the reader to articles from many different points of view that deal with issues of women in higher education. The articles selected do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial board of WIAReport.

We invite subscribers to e-mail us at with suggestions of articles for inclusion in this feature.

Maxwell’s First Female Full-Time Professor Was an ‘Indomitable Presence’
Syracuse University News

The Number Of Women Presidents At Top-Rated Universities Has Decreased

Where Are the Michigan Men? College Increasingly a Female Dominated Pursuit
The Manchester Mirror

The Future Is Female: The Rising Role of Women in STEM
Herzing University

In U.S. Gender Medicine, Ideology Eclipses Science. It Hurts Kids
The New York Times

RIT Faces Civil Rights Complaint From Conservative Group Over Women in STEM Scholarship

Filed Under: Articles of Interest

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