Pennsylvania State University Appoints Tracy Langkilde as Interim Provost

Tracy Langkilde has been appointed to serve as interim executive vice president and provost of Pennsylvania State University beginning this summer.

Currently, Dr. Langkilde is the Verne M. Willaman Dean of the Pennsylvania State University Eberly College of Science. She first joined the university in 2007 as an assistant professor of biology. She achieved the rank of full professor and was appointed head of the biology department in 2016. As a scholar, she has conducted extensive research regarding how animals deal with changes in their environment.

“I have a deep respect for the shared governance that makes universities work,” said Dr. Langkilde, “and I will be focused on listening to our community and collaborating with academic leaders to strengthen and advance Penn State.”

Dr. Langkilde holds a bachelor’s degree in tropical biology from James Cook University in Australia and a Ph.D. in biology from the University of Sydney.

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