Dorothy Klimis-Zacas Honored for Outstanding Research in Nutrition Science

Dorothy Klimis-Zacas, professor of clinical nutrition at the University of Maine, has received the 2024 Industry Recognition Award from the American Society for Nutrition. The annual award recognizes a scholar who has made significant contributions to nutrition science. Dr. Klimis-Zacas was honored for her research into the cardiovascular and metabolic health benefits of wild blueberries.

Throughout her career, Dr. Klimis-Zacas’ work has focused on nutritional physiology and biochemistry, nutrition and vascular function and metabolism, and the benefits of berry bioactives. She teaches a wide range of classes at the University of Maine including introductory and advanced food and nutrition courses.

Dr. Klimis-Zacas holds a Ph.D. from Pennsylvania State University.

Filed Under: Awards


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