In Memoriam: Ann Kramer Clark, 1943-2023

Ann Clark, a long-time faculty member at Saint Mary’s College in South Bend, Indiana, died in hospice care at Memorial Hospital in South Bend on October 2. She was 79 years old.

Dr. Clark was a native of Palo Alto, California, and grew up in Boulder, Colorado. She earned a bachelor’s degree at Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts. She went on to earn a Ph.D. in philosophy the University of Texas at Austin. There she was the only woman in her graduating class.

Dr. Clark then joined the faculty at St. Mary’s College and taught there for 41 years. Dr. Clark was instrumental in building the women’s studies program at Saint Mary’s, and beyond the campus, taught yoga.

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  1. Thomas Steinbuch says:

    things sure ended up dicey on the Nietzsche front; wish you were around to talk to about where this is leading.

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