Three Women Named to Endowed Chairs in the University of Wisconsin’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison has announced the appointment of six faculty members to endowed chairs. Three of these appointments went to women.

Julie Dawson has been appointed as the Clif Bar and Organic Valley Chair in Plant Breeding for Organic Agriculture. Dr. Dawson’s research focuses on selecting and developing cultivars for organic systems and local food markets, with an emphasis on collaborative breeding. Dr. Dawson is a graduate of Cornell University, where she majored in plant science. She holds a Ph.D. in crop science from Washington State University.

Amanda Gevens, chair, professor, and extension specialist in the department of plant pathology has been appointed as the Fritz Friday Chair in Vegetable Production Research. Dr. Geven’s research program investigates the ecology of fungus and fungus-like plant pathogens for enhanced and integrated disease management and her extension work supports vegetable growers by providing research-based recommendations for controlling diseases during production and in storage. She holds a master’s degree in plant pathology from Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, and a Ph.D. in plant pathology from Michigan State University.

Anita Thompson, chair and professor in the department of biological systems engineering has been appointed to the Patrick Walsh and Noreen Warren Endowed Professorship. Dr. Thompson studies the hydrologic and water quality impacts of land use and performance of stormwater management practices in urban and agricultural watersheds. Professor Thompson holds a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering and a master’s degree and Ph.D. in biosystems and agricultural engineering, all from the University of Minnesota.

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