Recent Books of Interest to Women Scholars

Women in Academia Report regularly publishes a list of new books that may be of interest to our readers. The books included are on a wide variety of subjects and present many different points of view. The opinions expressed in these books do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial board of WIAReport. As an Amazon Associate, WIAReport will earn a fraction of revenue from qualifying purchases.

Here are the latest selections. Click on any of the titles for more information or to purchase through Amazon.

Authorizing Early Modern European Women:
From Biography to Biofiction

edited by James Fitzmaurice et al.
(Amsterdam University Press)

Gender and Elections:
Shaping the Future of American Politics

edited by Susan J. Carroll et al.
(Cambridge University Press)

Female Religious Authority in Shi’i Islam:
Past and Present

edited by Mirjam Kunkler and Devin J. Stewart
(Edinburgh University Press)

The Making of Juana of Austria:
Gender, Art, and Patronage in Early Modern Iberia

edited by Noelia Garcia Perez
(Louisiana State University Press)

Filed Under: Books

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