Columbia Professor to Receive the Prince of Asturias Award

sassenSaskia Sassen, the Robert S. Lynd Professor of Sociology at Columbia University, has been selected to receive the 2013 Prince of Asturias Award from the Prince of Asturias Foundation for her contributions to the field of urban sociology. The award was established by Prince Felipe, the heir to the Spanish throne.

The award comes with a cash prize of 50,000 euros and will be presented in a ceremony this fall in Oviedo Spain.

Dr. Sassen is a native of the Netherlands but grew up in Argentina and Italy. She speaks six languages. Professor Sassen holds a Ph.D. from the University of Notre Dame. Before coming to Columbia in 2007, she taught at the University of Chicago. She is the author of several books including Territory, Authority, Rights: From Medieval to Global Assemblages (Princeton University Press, 2006), Cities in a World Economy (Sage Publications, 2000) and The Global City: New York, London, Tokyo (Princeton University Press, 1991).

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