University of Michigan Survey Finds an Obsession With Body Image Among Women on Campus

University_of_Michigan-Ann_ArborA survey conducted among students at the University of Michigan found that students at the school are obsessed with body image. A survey was sent out to 10,000 undergraduate and graduate students by researchers from the School of Public Health, the School of Education, the University of Michigan Medical School, the University Health Service, Counseling and Psychological Services, and the Ann Arbor Center for Eating Disorders.

The results showed that 60 percent of the undergraduate students at the university had become more concerned about body image since they enrolled in Ann Arbor. More alarming is the fact that 10 percent of the undergraduates were purging in some way by vomiting and/or using laxatives, diet pills or diuretics.

Final BannerMore than 27 percent of undergraduate women and 21.5 percent of women graduate students screened positive for having some kind of eating disorder. And 82 percent of those who screened positive for an eating disorder had not undergone treatment in the past year. One in five University of Michigan women stated that thoughts and fears about food and weight dominated their lives.

The University Study of Habits, Attitudes, and Perceptions about Eating (U-SHAPE) Report, many be downloaded here.

Filed Under: Research/Study


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