University of Michigan to Conduct Massive Survey of Students’ Eating Behaviors

Prior research shows that 60 percent of college women diet and as many as 19 percent have serious eating disorders.

The University of Michigan is undertaking a large-scale study of eating disorders and body image among college students. An online survey of 10,000 undergraduate and graduate students will “gather important information about the ways in which individual characteristics as well as the campus environment influence students’ relationships with eating, dieting, exercise and body image, and how these relationships, in turn, fit into a larger picture of student mental health.”

The University Study of Habits, Attitudes, and Perceptions about Eating (U-SHAPE) survey is being conducted by researchers at the university’s School of Public Health, the School of Education, the School of Medicine, the University Health Service, and Counseling and Psychological Services.

Results of the survey are expected by the end of the year.

Filed Under: Research/Study


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