Former Dean Rewrites Will to Protest the Appointment of New President at Purdue University

Marilyn Haring, who served as dean of the College of Education at Purdue University from 1991 to 2001, is not pleased with the selection of Mitch Daniels as Purdue’s next president. Daniels was selected by the board of trustees to become president in January after he completes his second term as governor of Indiana.

Dr. Haring announced that she has rewritten her will to remove a $1 million bequest to the university in protest of the Daniels appointment. In explaining her decision, Dr. Haring wrote, “I regard the appointment of Mr. Daniels as a travesty and insult to academics. Further, in his political career, Mr. Daniels has taken stands that are counter to all that I believe in, such as support for public education, equity, and unions to protect and further the well-being of those who labor.”

Dr. Haring holds bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees from Arizona State University. Before joining the faculty at Purdue, she was dean of the College of Education at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.

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