Recent Books That May Be of Interest to Women Scholars

Women in Academia Report regularly publishes a list of new books that may be of interest to our readers. Here are the latest selections. Click on any of the titles for more information or to purchase through

Feminism and the Politics of Travel After the Enlightenment
by Yael Schlick
(Bucknell University Press)

A Contemporary Approach to Race, Class, and Gender

by Lisa A. Keister and Darby E. Southgate
(Cambridge University Press)

Pink and Blue:
Telling the Boys from the Girls in America

by Jo B. Paoletti
(Indiana University Press)

Teaching Gender
edited by Fiona Tolan and Alice Ferrebe
(Palgrave Macmillan)

Transnational Migration, Gender and Rights
edited by Liam Leonard and Ragnhild Sollund
(Emerald Group Publishing)

Why Have Children?:
The Ethical Debate

by Christine Overall
(MIT Press)

Filed Under: Books

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