Recent Books That May Be of Interest to Women Scholars

Women in Academia Report regularly publishes a list of new books that may be of interest to our readers. Here are the latest selections. Click on any of the titles for more information or to purchase through

• Appropriately Indian: Gender and Culture in a New Transnational Class by Smitha Radhakrishnan (Duke University Press)
• Casino Women: Courage in Unexpected Places by Susan Chandler and Jill B. Jones (ILR Press)
• Circuits of Visibility: Gender and Transnational Media Cultures by Radha S. Hedge (New York University Press)
• Concubines and Courtesans: Women in Chinese Erotic Art by Ferry M. Bertholet (Prestel Publishing)
• Demanding Child Care: Women’s Activism and the Politics of Welfare, 1940-1971 by Natalie M. Fousekis (University of Illinois Press)
• Diagnosing Empire: Women, Medical Knowledge, and Colonial Mobility by Narin Hassan (Ashgate Publishing)
• Gender, Nation and State in Modern Japan edited by Vera Mackie et al. (Routledge)
• Gendered Hate: Exploring Gender in Hate Crime Law by Jessica P. Hodge (Northeastern University Press)
• Microfinance and Its Discontents: Women in Debt in Bangladesh by Lamia Karim (University of Minnesota Press)
• “Neoliberalization” as Betrayal: State, Feminism, and a Women’s Education Program in India by Shubhra Sharma Palgrave Macmillan)
• The Gender of Memory: Rural Women and China’s Collective Past by Gail Hershatter (University of California Press)
• The Limits of Gender Domination: Women, the Law, and Political Crisis in Quito, 1765-1830 by Chad Thomas Black (University of New Mexico Press)
• Translation, Authorship and the Victorian Professional Woman by Lesa Scholl (Ashgate Publshing)
• Troubling American Women: Narratives of Gender and Nation in Hong Kong by Stacilee Ford (Hong Kong University Press)
• Wings For Our Courage: Gender, Erudition, and Republican Thought by Stephanie H. Jed (University of California Press)

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