A Historic Milestone at Berkeley: Seven Women Deans
Posted on Apr 23, 2011 | Comments 0
The University of California at Berkeley recently held a celebration to commemorate the highest number of women serving in dean positions in the university’s history. There are now seven women among the 20 academic deans at Berkeley. Women make up 29.6 percent of all faculty at Berkeley.
The seven women deans are:
• Janet Broughton, dean of humanities;
• Carla Hesse, dean of social sciences;
• Lorraine Midanik, dean of the School of Social Welfare;
• AnnaLee Saxenian, dean of the School of Information;
• Judith Warren Little, dean of the Gradaute School of Education;
• Jennifer Wolch, dean of the College of Environmental Design; and
• Diana Wu, dean of UC Extension.
The historic number of women deans at Berkeley may soon be coming to an end. Dean Broughton will become the university’s vice provost for academic affairs this July and Dean Midanik is retiring as dean but will continue to conduct research at the School of Social Welfare.

Deans Wu, Wolch, Saxenian, Broughton, Little, Midanik, and Hesse
Filed Under: Leadership • Milestones